Marikana Exhibits

The Marikana Commission of Inquiry sat for 300 days from 1 October 2012 to 14 November 2014. SERI represented 36 families of mineworkers who were killed on the 13 and 16 August 2012 and the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union before the Marikana Commission.

During three long years, a large amount of information – videos, photographs, letters, reports – were put before the Commission as evidence. On the 25 June 2015, President Jacob Zuma released the final Marikana Report which can be found here.

This evidence put before the Commission is important because it gives insight into one of the most tragic moments in South Africa’s post-apartheid history. As part of our on-going advocacy to keep the legacy of Marikana alive, and allow ordinary people to engage the events of the 9-16 August 2016, we have endeavoured to make this public resource available online.

The information is organised according to the official Marikana Commission Exhibit List. Documents and photographs can be accessed on the links provided below. Video evidence can be accessed on the SERI YouTube channel.

Due to the large amounts of evidence available, some video and photographic information has been made be available on request from SERI and identified by brown font. This includes sensitive material. To protect the dignity of our clients and the mineworkers who were killed, all post mortem information and photographs are also available on request. 


A Post mortem Reports

B Crime scene pack

C Statement of Col Botha

D Statement of Capt Mushwana

E Statement of Warrant Officer Opperman

F Statement of Capt Mohlaki

G Document faxed by Mohlaki to Scott

H Part 3 of the video of Const Molefe (SAPS HARD DRIVE / LCRC Forensics / video 2012-08-20)

I Captain Ryland video (SAPS EHD / videos / 2012-08-16/Capt Ryland videos)

I1 Clip 1 SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-16\Capt Ryland videos\VID 00025-20120816-1613.flv
I2 Clip 2 SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-16\Capt Ryland videos\VID 00026-20120816-1618.3GP
I3 Clip 3 SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-16\Capt Ryland videos\VID 00027-20120816-1634.flv
I4 Clip 4 SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-16\Capt Ryland videos\VID 00028-20120816-1636.flv
I5 Clip 5 SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-16\Capt Ryland videos\VID 00029-20120816-1751.3GP

J Excerpt from Capt Mohlaki’s diary 

K Slides contrasting photos of Capt Mohlaki and w/o Ramanala

L SAPS Presentation

M Statement of Bishop Seoka

N Statement of w/o Thamae

O List of deceased at scene 1

P Henderson video - SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-16\LCRC\201208108vid

Q SAPS Training manual

R Minister of Police: Policy and Guidelines - Public Protests, Gatherings and Major Events [Vol E p42 – 66] [232kb]

S Letter dated 20 July 2012 from National Commissioner to Provincial Commissioner et al [Vol B p397 – 399]

T Letter dated 20 December 2011 from Brig Mawela to Provincial Commissioner et al [Vol B p400 – 402]

U Contingency plan for 10 August 2012

V Video of 9 August 2012

V 1 Video of 9 August 2012 [Lonmin EHD\Video Recordings\PW Botha\00009]
V 2 Video of 9 August 2012 [Lonmin EHD\Video Recordings\PW Botha\00010]

W Video of 10 August 2012

W 1 Video of 10 August 2012 - Lonmin EHD\Video Recordings\2012-08-10 march\PWBotha\AMCU2012077.MTS
W 2 Video of 10 August 2012 - Lonmin EHD\Video Recordings\2012-08-10-march\Callie\00001
W 3 Video of 10 August 2012 - Lonmin EHD\Lonmin\Video Recording\2012-08-10-march\Callie\00002
W 4 Video of 10 August 2012 - SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-13\ CH223_0814_1124.mpg (Slide 15 of SAPS Presentation)
W 5 Video of 10 August 2012 - Lonmin EHD\Video Recordings\2012-08-10-march\Callie\00012

X Video of 11 August 2012

X 1 Video of 11 August 2012 - SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-11\11-08-2012 Camera 218
X 2 Video of 11 August 2012 - Lonmin EHD\Videos\2012-08-11-RDO’s (AMCU)\00026MTS
X 3 Video of 11 August 2012 - Lonmin EHD\Lonmin\Video Recording\2012-08-11-NUMgroup\00028
X 4 Video of 11 August 2012 - Lonmin EHD\Lonmin\Video Recording\2012-08-11-NUMgroup\00029
X 5 Video of 11 August 2012 - Lonmin EHD\Lonmin\Video Recording\2012-08-11-NUMgroup\00030
X 6 Video of 11 August 2012 - Lonmin EHD\Lonmin\Video Recording\2012-08-11-NUMgroup\00031

Y Video of 12 August 2012

Y 1 SAPS EHD\Lonmin Strike\CCTV Footages\12-08-2012 Camera 218 (man with shot gun)
Y 2 SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-12\2012-08-12 - K4\M2U00358

Z Video of 13 August 2012

Z 1 SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-10\CH223_0814_1124
Z 2 SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-13\13-08-2012 Camera 426
Z 3 SAPS EHD\ Videos\2012-08-13\13-08-2012 Camera 482

AA Video of 14 August 2012 - SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-14\066.MTS

BB Video of 15 August 2012 - (slide 124 SAPS Presentation)

BB 1 (clip 35) SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-15\035
BB 2 (clip 36) SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-15\036
BB 3 (clip 37) SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-15\037
BB 4 (clip 38) SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-15\038
BB 5 (clip 39) SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-15\039
BB 6 (clip 40) SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-15\040

CC Footage of 16 August 2012

CC 1 Aerial photo 1: Lonmin EHD\Photos\2012-08-11 - NUM AMCU Clash\NUM AMCU Clash - 11-08-2012.jpg
CC 2 Aerial photo 2: fixed Lonmin camera Lonmin EHD\Photos\2012-08-16 - SAPS Engagement\SAPS Engagement - 16-08-2012 - Edited with Lines.jpg
CC 3 SAPS EHD\Photos\Thursday 16\Lt Col Vermaak 16th\IMGP4544.JPG
CC 4 Footage from camera 241 - SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-16\16-08-2012 Camera 241
CC 5 Video of arrival of Mathunjwa at scene 1 at midday - Lonmin EHD\2. Videos - SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-16\046.MTS
CC 6 Short clip of negotiations between Mathunjwa and SAPS  Lonmin EHD\2. Videos - SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-16\047.MTS
CC 7 Lonmin EHD\2. Videos - SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-16\048.MTS (“Dumisani” from AMCU addresses crowd – Strikers sing anti-NUM song)
CC 8 Lonmin EHD\Video Recordings\2012-08-16\00006.MTS
CC 9 Lonmin EHD\Video Recordings\2012-08-16\00007.MTS
CC 10 Reaction of crowd during Mathunjwa’s speech Lonmin EHD\Video Recordings\2012-08-16\00008.MTS
CC 11 Shot of reaction of crowd during Mathunjwa’s speech - Lonmin EHD\Video Recordings\2012-08-16\00009.MTS
CC 12 Shot of reaction of crowd during Mathunjwa’s speech - Lonmin EHD\Video Recordings\2012-08-16\000010.MTS
CC 13 Protestor 1 speech - Lonmin EHD \ Video Recordings \ 2012-08-16\ 00014.MTS
CC 14 Protestor 2 speech (clip 00015) - Lonmin EHD \ Video Recordings \ 2012-08-16\00015.MTS
CC 15 Protestor 3 speech (clip 00016) - Lonmin EHD \ Video Recordings \ 2012-08-16\ 00016.MTS
CC 16 Protestor 4 speech (clip 00018) - Lonmin EHD \ Video Recordings \ 2012-08-16\ 00018.MTS
CC 17 Protestor 5 speech (clip 00019)- Lonmin EHD \ Video Recordings \ 2012-08-16\00019.MTS
CC 18 Protestor 6 speech (clip 00020) - Lonmin EHD \ Video Recordings \ 2012-08-16\ 00020.MTS
CC 19 Clip of crowd taken by w/o Masinya - Lonmin EHD\Video Recordings\2012-08-16\00021.MTS
CC 20 (Reserved for North west water canyon videos)
CC 21 (Reserved for Jhb water canyon videos)
CC 22 Aerial video (coin security) SAPS EHD\videos\2012-08-16\Lonmin chopper.MP4
CC 23 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00220.MPG
CC 24 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00221.MPG
CC 25 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00222.MPG
CC 26 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00223.MPG
CC 27 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00224.MPG
CC 28 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00225.MPG
CC 29 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00226.MPG
CC 30 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00227.MPG
CC 31 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00228.MPG
CC 32 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00229.MPG
CC 33 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00230.MPG
CC 34 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00231.MPG
CC 35 Capt Nel’s video - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\C I Videos Capt Nel\lug Videos\M2U00232.MPG
CC 36 Carte Blanche video scene 1 (side view) SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-16\Side View.mp4
CC 37 Footage from Rowland Headgear scene 1 - SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-16\16-08-2012 Rowland Headgear
CC 38.1 Flir Clip - SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-16\16-08-2012 - Flir Camera
CC 38.2 Flir Clip - SAPS EHD\Videos\2012-08-16\16-08-2012 - Flir Camera
CC 39 New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0351
CC 40 Video of Sgt Mohlatsi (scene 2) New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0352
CC 41 Video of Sgt Mohlatsi (scene 2) New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0353
CC 42 Video of Sgt Mohlatsi (scene 2) New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0355
CC 43 Video of Sgt Mohlatsi (scene 2) New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0356
CC 44 Video of Sgt Mohlatsi (scene 2) New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0357
CC 45 Footage of people injured and dead at scene 2 - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0358
CC 46 Footage of people injured and dead at scene 2 - New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0359
CC 47 Footage of people injured and dead at scene 2
New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0360
CC 48 Footage of people injured and dead at scene 2
New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0361
CC 49 Footage of people injured and dead at scene 2
New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0362
CC 50 Footage of people injured and dead at scene 2
New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0363
CC 51 Footage of people arrested at scene 2
New material 15 Nov 2012\New Stuff from SAPS for Distribution 121115\SAPS2 Marikana Videos\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\IMG_0364

DD Statement of Gen Naidoo

EE JOCCOM (JOC) minute of 16 August (13H30)

FF Photograph of Mr Mathunjwa at the koppie. (DSC3655)

GG 1 Photograph of Bishop Seoka at the koppie. (DSC3666)
GG 2 Photograph of Bishop Seoka with protesters (DSC3672)

HH Photograph of Bishop Seoka negotiating with protestors (DSC3672)

II Statement of w/o Albert Olkers Wessels

JJ Bundle handed in by Victims representatives (Musi)

KK Statement of Peter Fanyana Kwadi

LL SAFM Forum at 8 transcript

MM Photograph of bulletwound of deceased Mr Monene (SAPS EHD/LCRC Forensics/PMcas115/13th /DSC4907

NN Statement of Joseph Vusi Mathunjwa

OO 1 Letter from Mr Mathunjwa dated 10 August 2012 - Vol F p106
OO 2 Media statement of 14 August - Vol F p260
OO 3.1 Audio clip of SAFM interview with Xolani Gwala 15 August 2012 - New AMCU Material
OO 3.2 Last part of Xolani Gwala interview where he tells them to go to the mountain
OO 4 Transcript of meeting held at Lonmin offices on 15 August 2012 - Vol F p320
OO 5 Audio clip of meeting of 15 August 2012
OO 6 Audio clip of responses of miners to Mr Mathunjwa’s address on 15 August 2012 (clip12)
OO 7 Audio clip of responses of miners to Mr Mathunjwa’s address on 15 August 2012 (clip14)
OO 8 Audio clip of Mr Mathunjwa’s response to miners on 15 August 2012 (clip 15)
OO 9 Translation of Mr Mathunjwa’s address on 16 August 2012
OO 10 Agreement Addendum to Wage Agreement
OO 11 Letter dated 20 August 2012 from Mathunjwa to Lonmin - Vol F P392
OO 12 Addendum to agreement between AMCU and Lonmin
OO 13 Transcript of meeting between AMCU and Lonmin of 16 August 2012 - Lonmin bundle p692
OO 14 Statement of Mohamed Ismail Seedat
OO 15 Statement of Barnard Mokwena
OO 16 Statement of Kgotle
OO 17 Statement of De Costa
OO 18 AMCU Opening statement
OO 19 List of RDO’s on strike (annexure to Lonmin’s NOM)

PP 1 NUM Google Map

QQ 1 Article “The rise and rise of AMCU” (2 August 2012)
QQ 2 Transcript of video clip Z1 (incident of 13 Aug)

RR 1 Founding affidavit in Labour Court case no. 2070/12 (Vol H p134 onwards)
RR 2 Translation of song from clip Z1

SS 1 Statement of Brigadier Mkhwanazi
SS 2 Standing order 262
SS 3 Amended contingency plan dated 16 August 2012 with annexures

TT 1 Excerpt from “Towards Peaceful Protest in South Africa"
TT 2 Excerpt from “Policing Public Disorder"
TT 3 Minute of JOC of 15 Aug 2012 at 06H00
TT 4 Minute of JOCCOM (JOC) meeting of 16 Aug at 06H00
TT 4.1 Minute (TT4) with Gen Annandale’s additions
TT 5 Criminal intelligence information: Lonmin Platinum Mine: Marikana Labour Unrest

UU 1 LRC notes in relation to expert Eddie Hendrickx
UU 2.1 SAPS EHD/Photos/Thursday 16/Lt Col Vermaak 16th/ IMG 4541
UU 2.2 SAPS EHD/Photos/Thursday 16/Lt Col Vermaak 16th/ IMG 4542
UU 2.3 SAPS EHD/Photos/Thursday 16/ IMG01518-201208-16-1559
UU 3 Video of shooting at scene 1: CD titled: Marikana TV Coverage 16 August 2012 (circulated in the early stages of the Commission), in Part 2, video number 9, Reuters. [Reuters clip]

VV 1 Article appearing in The Star, Wednesday, 19 December 2012

WW 1 Statement of Commissioner Titus
WW 2 Statement of Gary White
WW 3 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee of Police briefing on Crowd Control by the ICD, 30 August 2011
WW 4 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee of Police briefing on Crowd Control by SAPS, 30 August 2011
WW 5 Statement by W/O Makola on 24 August 2012
WW 6 Speech by National Commissioner Phiyega - SAPS EHD/SAPS Videos/ Post event / 0036_xvid - (Transcript is FFF 12)
WW 7 Shooting incident report dated 17 August 2012

XX 1 Statement of Erick Gcilitshana
XX 2 Bundle from NUM

XX 2.1 Impala letter to NUM re “Members resignations from NUM” dated 19 April 2010
XX 2.2 Impala News Release re “Update on work stoppage at Impala Rustenburg” dated 20 February 2012
XX 2.3 Impala News Release re “Update on work stoppage at Impala Rustenburg” dated 2 February 2012.
XX 2.4 Impala Management Brief No. 112 re “Salary adjustments” dated 20 April 2012
XX 2.5 Undated letter from NUM Regional Secretary to Lonmin management re “Dissolution of Karee Branch Committee”
XX 2.6 Lonmin notice re “Disbanding and suspension of the Karee branch members” dated 20 May 2011
XX 2.7 Email from Bongani Nene re “Karee assault case” 23 April 2012
XX 2.8 Lonmin media release re “Lonmin condemn fatal assault on employee” dated 23 April 2012
XX 2.9 Wage agreement between Lonmin and NUM dated 2 December 2011
XX 2.10 Lonmin’s Karee Mine Occurrence book entry for the period 21 July 2012 to 8 October 2012
XX 2.11 Undated Lonmin Communication Script: RDO Allowance
XX 2.12 Emails between Daluvuyo Bongo and Larry Dietrich dated 8 August 2012
XX 2.13 Emails between Daluvuyo Bongo and Etienne Hamman dated 8 August 2012
XX 2.14 Email between Frank Russo-Bello and Ian Farmer re “RDO update” dated 10 August 2012
XX 2.15 Email dated 10 August 2012 from Daluvuyo Bongo re “Court interdict”
XX 2.16 Email dated 10 August 2012 from Daluvuyo Bongo re “Stewards release
XX 2.17 Transcription of video 083 - SAPS Hard Drive/Lonmin Strike/Video Recordings/2012-08-11 – morning shift/AMCU 2012 083
XX 2.18 Statement of Thando Elias Mutengwane Marikana SAPS Docket CAS 69/08/12 dated 11 August 2012
XX 2.19 Statement of Bulelani Kluvet Dlomo Marikana SAPS Docket CAS 69/08/2012 dated 11 August 2012
XX 2.20 Statement of Julius Motlogelwa (Lonmin Senior Security Officer) SAPS docket CAS 119/08/12 dated 17 August 2012
XX 2.21 Lonmin Mining Security Briefing memo re “RDO disruption” dated 11 August 2012
XX 2.22 Lonmin media release re Lonmin condemns fatal attacks” dated 12 August 2012
XX 2.23 Signed Marikana peace accord dated 5 September 2012
XX 2.24 Addendum to the Category 3 to Category 9 Substantive Wage Agreement between Lonmin and NUM, UASA, Solidarity, AMCU and the Striking workers

XX 3 Internal Communique dated 20 July 2012 (Lonmin p147) “Management condemns illegal work stoppages”.
XX 4 Internal Communique dated 31 July 2012 (Lonmin p149) “Demands for separate Wage Negotiations
XX 5 SAPS Crime Docket 10 CAS 69
XX 6 SAPS Crime Docket 10 CAS 68
XX 7 Article by Gavin Hartford
XX 8 Article by Carol Paton from Mining News
XX 9 Memorandum dated 10 August 2012 - Vol H p266 - 267

YY 1 Statement of Setelele
YY 2.1 NUM Google photo of NUM offices – 1,84km
YY 2.2 NUM Google photo of NUM offices – 1,37km
YY 2.3 NUM Google photo of NUM offices – 1,21km
YY 3 Transcript of inspection in loco

ZZ 1(1) Video footage of inspection in loco irt transcript YY3 (VTS 02 1)
ZZ 1(2) VTS 02 2
ZZ 1(3) VTS 01 1
ZZ 2 Statement of Gegeleza
ZZ 3 Statement of Dibakoane
ZZ 4 Docket statement of Motlogelwa - SAPS EHD/Dockets/CAS119e/A14

AAA DVD of compilation of video evidence shown in Commission on Day 4 (23 October 2012)

BBB 1 Statement of Senzeni Zokwana
BBB 2 Article by Carol Paton published in Business Day 14 June 2012
BBB 3 Statement of Mr Simphiwe Booi
BBB 4 (1) – (7) Bundle of emails exchanged amongst leadership of Lonmin (Ramaphosa emails)
BBB 5 Extract from “30 Years of Unbroken Revolutionary Trade Unionism Struggle”
BBB 6 Opening address at the National Congress of NUM by Senzeni Zokwana dated 24 May 2012
BBB 7 Press release from NUM dated 13 August 2012
BBB 8 Statement of Vusimuzi Mandla Mabuyakhulu

CCC 1 Mabuyakhulu’s certificate of fitness to perform risk work
CCC 2 SAPS/Videos/2012-08-11/AMCU 2012.089
CCC 3 Memorandum from Lonmin Security Personnel concerning AMCU meeting 19 July 2012
CCC 4 Internal Communique: Instruction to stop work stoppage Lonmin p151

DDD 1 Statement of Siphethe Phatsha
DDD 2 Video of Phatsha being visited by the State President
DDD 3 Transcript of video (DDD2)
DDD 4 IPID statement of Phatsha - 000068 File A
DDD 5.1 to 5.3 Photograph of Mr Phatsha’s injury (Zweli to provide)
DDD 6.1 to 4 Post mortem photographs of Mr Noki

EEE 1 Statement of Magidiwana
EEE 2 Pack from IPID files
EEE 3 SAPS EHD/videos

EEE 3.1 SAPS EHD/videos/2012–08-16/CIip 20 (Same as Exhibit JJJ74)
EEE 3.2 SAPS EHD/videos/2012–08-16/107
EEE 3.3 SAPS EHD/videos/2012-08-16/Euro news Thursday
EEE 3.4 SAPS EHD/videos/2012-08-16/ENCA SA seeks to understand Marikana massacre

EEE 4 Video clip showing what SAPS allege is Mr Magidiwana - New material 15 Nov 2012/New stuff from SAPS for distribution12115/videos captain Nel 15 August / M2U00216 and 217
EEE 5 Second video clip showing Magidiwana on 15 August - SAPS EHD / videos / 2012-08-15/034.MTS.
EEE 6.1 to 6.9 Bundle of SAPS photographs
EEE 7 SAPS Photo’s of 15 August 2012.
EEE 8.1 Map of pathways to Nkaneng
EEE 8.2 EEE8.1 with coloured pathways
EEE 8.3 EEE8.1 with Magidiwana’s version of movement of strikers
EEE 9 Weather report
EEE 10 Lt Col Mere photo pack
EEE 11 Photo 2461 (13 Aug)
EEE 12 Photograph showing car driving to Nkaneng
EEE 13 SAPS EHD / videos/ 2012-08-16/123
EEE 14.1 SAPS EHD/photos/16th/Col Botha/DSC5108
EEE 14.2 SAPS EHD/photos/16th/Col Botha/DSC5112
EEE 15 Medical records of Mr Magidiwana
EEE 16 Enews Marikana exposed (new DVD)
EEE 17 SABC clip of scene 1 (new DVD)

FFF 1 POP Policy Document on Crowd Management
FFF 2 National Commissioner affidavit of 12 March 2013 commissioned
FFF 2A Statement of National Commissioner Phiyega dated 7 March (uncommissioned)
FFF 3 National Commissioner Statement of 12 March 2013
FFF 3A Single page 7 from National Commissioner’s statement
FFF 4 Internal brief: Civil Unrest Incident for Minister of International Relations
FFF 5 Media statement from SAPS corporal communication national media centre dated 17 August 2012
FFF 6 Tribute read at funeral of warrant officer Lepaaku 20 August 2012
FFF 7 Statement of Hendrich Wouter Myburgh
FFF 8 Analysis of shots fired etc at scene 2 (list of shooters scene 2)
FFF 9 Opening statement of SAPS
FFF 10 Statement of Lt Col Gaffley
FFF 11 Statement of Mr de Rover (SAPS POP Expert)
FFF 11A Supplementary statement of De Rover
FFF 12 Transcript of WW6
FFF 13 Chapter 12 of the National Development Plan
FFF 14 Mampoer: David Bruce - Marikana and the Doctrine of Maximum Force
FFF 15 (Provisional) Possible tampering Report
FFF 16 Letter from National Commissioner in relation to NDP
FFF 17 CASAC submission
FFF 18 Statement of Lt Col Scott
FFF 19 Licence to kill part 1 (Nicholas Haysom)
FFF 20 LRC medico-legal report on deceased
FFF 21 ISS presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Police
FFF 22 Medico-legal report on survivors LRC
FFF 23 (Final) Tampering report dated 18 March 2013
FFF 24 Statement of Prof Heyns (with annexures)
FFF 25 SAPS JOC OB (Occurrence Book) (12 August – 18 August)
FFF 26 Media Statement released by SERI (15 March 2013)
FFF 27 Extract of article from Sowetan dated 20 August 2012
FFF 28 SAPS EHD /16 Aug/ Carte Blanche (boot in the face)
FFF 29 Statement of Minister of Police
FFF 30 Excerpt from The Guardian “Jacob Zuma says response to Lonmin massacre shows democracy is working”
FFF 31 Statement of Gareth Newham
FFF 32 Statement of Cyril Ramaphosa
FFF 33.1 Statement of National Commissioner - Base document
FFF 33.2 Statement of National Commissioner - Advanced
FFF 33.3 Statement of National Commissioner - Not signed and not commissioned
FFF 33.4 Statement of National Commissioner - 3A
FFF 33.5 Statement of National Commissioner - Signed and commissioned statement
FFF 34 (FFF34.1 SAHRC statement dated 24 May 2011; FFF34.2 Internet article: Phiyega: Cop killed every 10 days; FFF34.3 Mthethwa andll Cele condemn killing; FFF34.4 Cop killings a national crisis)
FFF 35 List of shooters scene 1
FFF 36 Opening statement POPCRU
FFF 37 Save our cops (Ted Leggett ISS)
FFF 38 Modus operandi of police killers in four provinces (Herman Conradie)
FFF 39 Death and injury on duty – a study of SAPS officers (Plani et al)
FFF 40 Pienaar and Rothmann: Occupational stress in SAPS
FFF 41 Pienaar and Rothmann: Suicide Ideation in SAPS
FFF 42 Mthethwa remarks at opening of SAPS medical (polmed) scheme dated 21 June 2012
FFF 43 Speech by Mthethwa 8 July 2011
FFF 44 Cell phone records of Gen Phiyega (National Commissioner)

GGG 1 Statement of Maj Gen Annandale
GGG 2 Statement of Mr Hendrickx
GGG 3 Notice of call-up for Potchefstroom meeting
GGG 4 Debriefing by Gen Mpembe 15 August 2012 (bloodshed)
GGG 5 Statement of Gen Mbombo
GGG 6.1 Lonmin death toll at 34 (Moneyweb) (D-day)
GGG 6.2 Internet article: The mad world we live in
GGG 7 Capt Adriao’s notes of Provincial Commissioners statement at media briefing on 16 Aug at 9H00
GGG 8 Statement of Brigadier Fritz
GGG 9 Statement of Col Makhubela
GGG 10 Statement of Const Mooketsi
GGG 11 Statement of Const Thebeetsile
GGG 12 Statement of Gen Mpembe
GGG 13 Statement of Brig Calitz
GGG 14 Statement of W/O Breedt
GGG 15 Statement of Lt Col Merafe
GGG 16 Statement of Lt Col Baloyi
GGG 17 Statement of Lt Col Vermaak
GGG 18 Opening statement arrested and injured persons
GGG 19 Affidavit of Sybrand Botes
GGG 20 Purpose and Functions - Head: Specialised Operations: ORS (Gen Annandale)
GGG 21 National Instruction on mobilization of STF
GGG 22 Draft national instruction on crowd regulation and management
GGG 23 Statement of Amanda Van der Merwe
GGG 24 SAP 15 Capt Khumalo (debriefing)
GGG 25 Briefing: Crowd Management for Platoon Commanders
GGG 26 Protea Coin letter 19 November 2012
GGG 27.1 Training history of Gen Annandale
GGG 27.2 Training history of Gen Mbombo
GGG 27.3 Training history of Gen Mpembe
GGG 27.4 Training history of Brig Calitz
GGG 27.5 Training history of Gen Naidoo
GGG 27.6 Training history of Brig Fritz
GGG 28 Statement of Col Pitsi
GGG 29 Statement of Col Mere
GGG 30 Video of Calitz briefing 18 August 2012
GGG 31 Warning statement: w/o Ndlovu
GGG 32 SAPS 15: Report by Section Commander-Aphane dated16 August 2012 (p000512 Ipid vol)
GGG 33 CCTV Camera 241: Rowland Headgear taken on the 16/08/12 @10h00
GGG 34 Map photograph 4540
GGG 35 Transcript of Exh.CC22 (Lonmin/Protea Chopper video) (may be revised upon receipt of an agreed version of what is said in the video.
GGG 36 Transcript of the Rylands video. The video of capt Rylands is exhibit I GGG 36.1 Second transcript of Rylands video (including Sesotho translation)
GGG 37 Updated Presentation to Portfolio Committee (Steps taken by SAPS subsequent to the events)
GGG 38 SAPS Crime Docket CAS 118/8/2012
GGG 39 Additional (supplementary) statement Lt Col Scott dated 19 November 2011
GGG 40 Photograph of wall of JOC
GGG 41 Video clip Enews 16H30 16 August 2012 - SAPS EHD/Videos/2012-08-16/ETV16th/VTS_01_1(2)

HHH 1 Provincial structure
HHH 2 CV of Gen Mpembe
HHH 3 Supplementary statement of Gen Mpembe
HHH 4 Statement of Vermaak dated 30 August 2012
HHH 5 Statement of Vermaak dated 5 November 2012
HHH 6 Statement of Vermaak (handwritten) dated 4 February 2013
HHH 7.1 Statement of Cassim (manuscript)
HHH 7.2 Statement of Cassim (first typed statement)
HHH 7.3 Second typed statement of Cassim
HHH 8 Statement of W/O Masinya
HHH 9 Mpembe’s diary notes
HHH 10 Statement of Mr Y
HHH 11 Amended slide 181 of exhibit L
HHH 12.1 Statement of Capt Kidd
HHH 13 Manuscript statement of Maj Gen Mpembe dated 13 August 2012
HHH 14 Statement of Lt Col McIntosh (MacIntosh) HHH 15.1 Statement of Samuel Kay Thupe
HHH 15.2 Docket CAS 115/08/2012
HHH 15.3 Docket CAS 117/08/2012
HHH 15.4 Docket CAS 129/08/2012
HHH 16.1 EL (Madlanga) Depiction of positions of strikers and police on 13 August 2013
HHH 16.2 Mpembe depiction of positions of strikers and police on 13 August 2013
HHH 17 SABC Footage of 13 August 2013
HHH 18 Cordon and search application and other documents
HHH 19 Statement of Capt Moolman
HHH 20 Consolidated statement of Lt Col Scott
HHH 21 Statement of Xolani Nzuza
HHH 22 SAPS15 report POP Pta 13/08/2012 (IPID 001020)
HHH 23 List of shooters of 13 August 2012 (shooters 13/08) (FFF35 shooters scene 1); (FFF8 shooters scene 2)
HHH 24 Extracts from pocketbook of Const LM Mathivha
HHH 25 Extracts of diary of Capt MM Cwinyane
HHH 26 Extracts of diary of Lt Col Merafe
HHH 27 Extracts of diary of Capt Mahalenle (Mkhabele)
HHH 28 Narrative: Report on mine unrest at Lonmin Marikana Mine August 2012
HHH 29 Statement of Const Sekgweleya
HHH 30 Statement of Const Mguyi
HHH 31 Statement of Const Benjamin Mahume
HHH 32 Statement of Col Diole
HHH 33 Statement of Mkhabele
HHH 34 Statement of Maj Gen Mpembe relating to computers.
HHH 35 Photo of JOC (SAPSHD/Photos/Thursday16th/P1020200.jpg)
HHH 36 Pictures of computers Photo of JOC (SAPSHD/Photos/Thursday16th/P1020199.jpg)
HHH 37 Statement by W/O Cedric Fourie
HHH 38 Pocketbook of Const M J Tawana
HHH 39 Crowd Management Equipment: Demonstrate the use and maintenance of crowd management equipments
HHH 40 Transcript of interview of Maj Gen Mbombo on 16 August 2012
HHH 41 List of statements relied upon by SAHRC in which no mention is made
HHH 42 Photograph by Vermaak
HHH 43 Google earth Dispersion plan
HHH 44 Further statement of Capt Loest 7 November 2012
HHH 45 Handwritten statement of Lt Col Sello Seloane
HHH 46 Photograph of JOC
HHH 47 Photograph of wall of JOC
HHH 48 Pocketbook of Sgt Cebekhule
HHH 49 13 points of alleged collusion between Lonmin and SAPS
HHH 50 Statement of Mutengwane
HHH 51 Statement of Dlomo
HHH 52 Statement of Geon Kellerman
HHH 53 Statement of Lanford Gcotylewa with annexures
HHH 54 Video clip of STF scorpion with gun mounted on the turret taken on 14 August 2012 / SAPS EHD
HHH 55 Bundle of selected photographs and screen shots of STF scorpion and associated weaponry
HHH 56 Article from Taung Daily News dated 16 August 2012 titled “Kgosi Maubane elected as new chairperson for traditional leaders”.
HHH 57 Handwritten statement of Constable Zondi (incident of 13 August)
HHH 58 Statement of Const Plaatjie of 13 August)
HHH 59 Bundle depicting the position and direction of strikers on 13 August 2012.
HHH 60 Photograph of JOC Board (Mining Security Posting)
HHH 61 Video of 13 August 2012 – protestors on the way to Karee mine (making U Turn) Lonmin EHD/video/13August/364
HHH 62 Statement of Gen Mpembe (unsigned)
HHH 63 List of shotgun victims from 1 August to 16 August 2012
HHH 64 Selection of calls by senior SAPS officers on 15 Aug
HHH 65 Selection of calls to and from Maj Gen Mpembe on 15 and 16 August
HHH 66 Statement of Col Madoda dated 6 November 2013
HHH 67 Affidavit of Lt Col PWJA Claassens dated 29 October 2013
HHH 68 Letter from Lt Col Vermaak dated 12 December 2012

JJJ 1 Google earth image of Marikana elevation 1145m
JJJ 2 Google earth image of Marikana elevation 1149m
JJJ 3.1 Supplementary statement of Col Visser
JJJ 3.2 Confirmatory affidavit of Col Scott
JJJ 4 Google earth file Ops Platinum.kmz (date modified 2012-08-14 5:46 am)
JJJ 5 Screen shots from Col Loest’s photographs of the 16th
JJJ 5.030 to 5.062 Thumbnails of photos taken by Col Loest
JJJ 6.1 Screen shot of Capt Nel Photos 16th
JJJ 6.2 Screen shot of Capt Nel Photos
JJJ 6.1169 to 6.1312 Nel’s photos of the 16th August
JJJ 7 Screen shot of Capt Van Heerden’s photos of the 16th
JJJ 7 10201961020197 Capt Van Heerden’s photos of the 16th August
JJJ 8.1 Screen shot of Col Mere’s photos of the 16th
JJJ 8.2 Screen shot of Col Mere’s photos of the 16th
JJJ 8.3 Screen shot of Col Mere’s photos of the 16th
JJJ 8.4 Screen shot of Col Mere’s photos of the 16th
JJJ 8.3556 – 8.3769Col Mere’s photographs of the 16th
JJJ 9.1a jpg (file on Col Scot’s hard drive saved at 16 August 2012 at 08h12)
JJJ 9.2 Screen shot file from Col Scott’s computer 10.jpg saved on 15 August 2012 at 16h38
JJJ 9.3 Screen shot on Col Scott’s hard drive 11.jpg saved on 15 August 2012 at 17h20
JJJ 9.4 Screen shot on Col Scott’s hard drive 12.jpg saved on 15 August 2012 at 17h21
JJJ 9.5 Screen shot on Col Scott’s hard drive 13.jpg saved on 15 August 2012 at 17h22
JJJ 10 Screen shots of Vermaak’s Pentax
JJJ 10.4475 – 10.4563 Vermaak’s Photos Pentax camera
JJJ 11 Screen shot of Vermaak’s Blackberry photographs
JJJ 11.01488 – 11.01525 Vermaak’s Photos Blackberry camera
JJJ 12 Copy of photo’s directory of SAPS master EHD’s as at 23 July 2013
JJJ 13 Copy of video’s directory of SAPS master EHD as at 23 July 2013
JJJ 14.1 Directory Structure of SAPS Hard Drive/photos
JJJ 14.2 Directory Structure of SAPS Hard Drive/Videos
JJJ 15.1 040.2 thumbnail view of directory holding all three Johannesburg water cannon files
JJJ 15.2 040.3 file properties of third Johannesburg water cannon file
JJJ 15.3 40.1 file properties of three Johannesburg water cannon files
JJJ 16.1 Thumbnail - Lonmin hard drive(original)\2.Videos-SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-15
JJJ 16.2 Screen shot of Lonmin hard drive(original)\Video Recordings\PWBotha\035 and Videos-SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-15\30.MTS AT 00:48
JJJ 17.1 File properties of W/O Ndlovu’s pictures taken on 16/08 - Lonmin hard drive(original)\2.Videos-SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-16
JJJ 17.2 File properties of 40 series (W/O Ndlovu’s pictures taken on 16/08) - Lonmin hard drive(original)\2.Videos-SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-16
JJJ 17.3 Thumbnails of W/O Ndlovu’s pictures taken on 16/08 - Lonmin hard drive(original)\2.Videos-SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-16
JJJ 17.42 17.48 17.102 to 17.123 Lonmin Hard Drive SAPS Videos 2012-08-16
JJJ 18.1 Thumbnail of directory of Lonmin HD holding of POP video recordings - Lonmin hard drive(original)\2.Videos-SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-17
JJJ 18.2 Directory (2) of Lonmin HD holding of POP video recordings - Lonmin hard drive(original)\2.Videos-SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-17
JJJ 18. 124 to 137 Lonmin Hard Drive SAPS Videos 2012-08-18
JJJ 19.1 Properties of directory Lonmin hard drive(original)\2.Videos-SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-18
JJJ 19.2 Thumbnail of directory Lonmin harddrive(original)\2.Videos-SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-18
JJJ 19 19.49 to 19.65 Pictures in Lonmin harddrive(original)\2.Videos-SAPS\SAPS Recordings\2012-08-18
JJJ 20.1 Thumbnails (1) of photo video requests POPS MTS series
JJJ 20.2 Thumbnails (2) of photo video requests POPS MTS series
JJJ 20.3 Thumbnails (3) of photo video requests POPS MTS series
JJJ 20.00000 to 20.00041 Photographs Pops MTS Series
JJJ 21.1 Thumbnails of POPS Video M2 series (provided to Wesley)
JJJ 21.2 Thumbnails of POPS Video M2 series (provided to Wesley)
JJJ 21.3 Thumbnails of POPS Video M2 series (provided to Wesley)
JJJ 21.00000 JJJ21.00047 Pops Videos M2 Series
JJJ 22 Video Footage of Police Vehicles
JJJ 23 23.1 to 23.2 Screen shot of SAPS Hard Drive original\Videos\2012-08-16
JJJ 24 Thumbnail of SAPS Hard Drive\Videos\Post Event
JJJ 25.1Thumbnail of Sgt Norman Mhlatsi 1 files original incomplete set provided
JJJ 25.225.3 Thumbnails of Sgt Norman Mhlatsi 2 Directory as further supplemented on 7 November
JJJ 25.4 Properties depiction of Sgt Norman Mhlatsi 3 Directory as further supplemented with File 350
JJJ 25.5 Thumbnails of Sgt Norman Mhlatsi 3 Directory as further supplemented with File 350 (full set of Sgt Mhlatsi’s videos)
JJJ 26 Screen shots of videos recovered from the recycled bin of SAPS Master EHD
JJJ 26.dg14 – 26.dg54 Videos recovered from the recycled bin of SAPS Master EHD
JJJ 27.1 Screenshot (1) of W/O Barnard photographs of the 16th Aug
JJJ 27.2 Screenshot (2) of W/O Barnard photographs of the 16th Aug
JJJ 27 9389 to 9849 W/O Barnard photographs of the 16th Aug
JJJ 27.9472 Photograph taken by W/O Barnard on 16 August at scene 2 (picture of 3rd party (l with shotgun)
JJJ 28 W/O Nong Videos of the 16th Aug
JJJ 29.1Screenshot (1) of photographs of W/O Ramanala of 16th
JJJ 29.2 Screenshot (2) of photographs of W/O Ramanala of the 16th Aug
JJJ 29.3 Screenshot (2) of photographs of W/O Ramanala of the 16th Aug
JJJ 29.1 -29.3 Screen shots of WO Ramanala photographs of the 16th
JJJ 29 105 – 29.307 Ramanala’s photos of the 16th Aug
JJJ 30 Col Scott Camera and video time sequencing (document furnished to evidence leaders on 31 October 2012)
JJJ 31 Civil Unrest Incident: Lonmin Mine: North West province (Report to President)
JJJ 32 Complete Marikana 2012/08/03 version 2 (SAPS presentation saved on 10 September 2012)
JJJ 33 Complete Marikana 2012/09/17 (SAPS presentation saved on 28 September 2012)
JJJ 34 Early draft of SAPS presentation last saved at 27 August 2013
JJJ 35 Docket 15 CAS 123: Annexures Wednesday 2012-08-15
JJJ 36 Email from Rentia Engels to evidence leaders on 8 November 2012 (from SAPS attorneys)
JJJ 37 Evidence Leaders table of time differences (timeline)
JJJ 39 Lon.mpg
JJJ 40 Draft Report: Lonmin Marikana Mine unrest August 2012 (Memorandum 20120912)
JJJ 41 Lonmin mine incident: Marikana 16 August 2012 (report to the Minister)
JJJ 42 Lonmin Mine Incident Marikana on 16 August 2012 media briefing presentation by SAPS to NASCOM
JJJ 43 Operation Platinum Lonmin Mine: Marikana 13 August 2012 [OPS Platinum 16 August 2012 (saved 19 August 2012 at 15H26)]
JJJ 43A Ops Platinum 16 August 2012.pptx 1 274 186 M:2012/08/19 15:59
JJJ 43B Ops Platinum 16 August 2012.pptx 1 274 214 M:2012/08/23 19:41
JJJ 44.1 – 44.6 Ops Platinum 3 google earth file key
JJJ 46 OPS platinum action google earth file (saved 16 August 2012 at 18H59)
JJJ 46.1 – 46.7 OPS platinum action google earth file key
JJJ 47.1 – 47.2 OPS Platinum Aerial Grid Powerpoint Presentation (saved 14 August 2012 at 09H00)
JJJ 48 Operation Platinum: Lonmin Mine Environment: Marikana 13 – 16 August 2012 (Cordon and Search)
JJJ 49 OPS Platinum initial plan 2 google earth file (saved at 14 August 2012 at 06H08)
JJJ 49.1 – 49.7 OPS Platinum initial plan 2 google earth key
JJJ 50 Operation Platinum Lonmin Mine: Marikana 13 August 2012 [OPS Platinum Power Point presentation
JJJ 51.1 – 51.5 OPS Platinum Zones Tuesday 14th visible policing Power Point presentation
JJJ 52 Route taken by protesters – Scene 1 CALS analysis
JJJ 53 Operation Platinum Lonmin mine: Marikana 13 August 2012 Plans furnished to IPID
JJJ 54 Report: Mine unrest at Lonmin, Marikana August 2012 Section A (pages 1 – 131) Debriefing Report
JJJ 55 Extract from Sgt. H Venter’s pocketbook
JJJ 56 Video of Police Convoy
JJJ 58A Thumbnail of picture series M2U003311 – M2U00378 from Brig Manie Victor Laptop
JJJ 58B First page of properties of the above picture series
JJJ 58C Second page of properties of the above picture series
JJJ 59 Affidavit of Captain Marthinus Gerhard Nel
JJJ 60 Statement Ikawyeng Jackson Plaatjies
JJJ 61 Typed Statement of SJ Thebeetsile
JJJ 61.1 Written Statement of SJ Thebeetsile
JJJ 62.1 Typed Statement of Constable Mooketsi
JJJ 62.2 Written Statement of Constable Mooketsi
JJJ 63 Col Scott’s spread sheet in response to request from evidence leaders for list of sources for videos and photographs in Exh L
JJJ 63A Col Scott’s spreadsheet (exh JJJ63) with sources added.
JJJ 64 Spread sheet of Col Scott as amended by evidence leaders (times added by evidence leaders)
JJJ 65.1 Screenshot (1) of Deleted Materials from SAPS Hard Drive\Picture Series 130822
JJJ 65.2 Screenshot (2) of Deleted Materials from SAPS Hard Drive\Picture Series 130822
JJJ 65.3 Screenshot (3) of Deleted Materials from SAPS Hard Drive\Picture Series 130822
JJJ 66 Screen shot of SAPS Hard Drive original\Photos\Thursday 16 extract of photos from W/O Ramanala
JJJ 67.1 Thumbnail of videos received from Capt Nel Lug (Videos clips originally provided)
JJJ 67.2 Thumbnail of videos received from Capt Nel Lug (Videos clips originally provided)
JJJ 68.1 Screen shot(1) of Capt Nel full set of video’s
JJJ 68.2 Screen shot(2) of Capt Nel’s full set of videos
JJJ 69 Screen shot from Capt Nel Video 231 (Exhibit CC32)
JJJ 70 Screen Shot
JJJ 71 Screen shot from Capt Nel Video 230 (Exhibit CC32)
JJJ 72 Statement of Fritz dated 04 August 2013
JJJ 73 Video 00020.mts from the POPS MTS Series
JJJ 74 Video 00020 from Col Scott’s harddrive
JJJ 75 Video 00006.mts from the MTS Series
JJJ 76 Extract of properties of MTS Series ordered by date
JJJ 77.1 Properties of directory on SAPS HD: Videos\16th\CI
JJJ 77.2 Thumbnails of directory on SAPS HD: Videos\16th\CI
JJJ 78.1 Thumbnails of directory\Videos\16th\Camera 407 POP
JJJ 78.2 Evidence leaders’ request\Videos\16th\Camera 407 POP Properties
JJJ 79.1 Properties of directory of Videos\16th\Camera 457 POP Properties
JJJ 79.2 Thumbnails of directory of Videos\16th\Camera 457 POP Properties
JJJ 80 Selection of POPS Files given to Evidence Leaders
JJJ 80.1 407 Selection of POP files in Camera 407 POP Directory made available to evidence leaders (thumbnails ringed)
JJJ 80.2 Thumbnail and directory of Videos\16th\CI Directory
JJJ 80.3 Thumbnail of Camera 457 POP Directory with File 00020 circled
JJJ 80.4 Thumbnail of Camera 407 POP Directory with File with 00024 and 00025 circled
JJJ 81 Brig Calitz video 49MTS taken on 18 August 2012 at 10H14 with duration 13:54
JJJ 82 Video Transcript: Brigadier Calitz briefing to Troops 049 MTS (Evidence leader’s draft)
JJJ 83.7 Additional video material provided by SAPS\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\3 Directory as Further Supplemented with File 350 thumbnail of 353
JJJ 83.6 Additional video material provided by SAPS\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\3 Directory as Further Supplemented with File 350 thumbnail of 350
JJJ 83.183.2 Additional video material provided by SAPS\Sgt Norman Mhlatsi\3 Directory taken by the evidence leaders off iPhone of Sgt Mhlatsi
JJJ 83.3 Video of JJJ83.3 Copy of video file given to EL by SAPS as file 350 from Sgt Mhlatsi;
JJJ 83.4 Video file 353 taken by evidence leaders from Mhlatsi’s phone;
JJJ 83.5 Video file given to evidence leaders by SAPS as file 353 from SAPS
JJJ 83.6 Thumbnail of file 350
JJJ 83.7 Thumbnail of file 353
JJJ 83.8 IMG and IMG properties (details)
JJJ 83.9 IMG and IMG properties (general)
JJJ 84 Original Mhlatsi’s video series downloaded by evidence leaders
JJJ 85.1 Screen shot from DG 50 at 033
JJJ 85.2 Screen shot from DG 51 at 057 with Mr Mathunjwa’s vehicle visible at the Koppie
JJJ 85.3 Screen shot from DG 52 at 001 with Mr Mathunjwa’s vehicle visible at the Koppie
JJJ 85.4 Screen shot from file DG47 at 001 taken from inside Nyala
JJJ 85.5 Screen shot of Mr Noki returning to crowd with barbed wire visible in the screen on the right – DG 48 at 0140
JJJ 85.6 Screen shot from file DG46 at 000 taken from inside Nyala
JJJ 86 Col Vermaak’s photograph IMGP4487 taken on 16 August 2012 at 09h40 am
JJJ 87 Video file entitled “PC Media brief SABC only” (sourcefile for slide L155) (modified version of JJJ88)
JJJ 88 Video file entitled “PC Media brief” (composite)
JJJ 89.1 – 89.3 OPS Platinum Zones stages 2 Powerpoint presentation (saved at16August 08H29)
JJJ 90 Ops Platinum Zones Stage 2.pptx Properties
JJJ 91 Evidence leaders plotting of nyala positions visible on slide 152 of Exhibit L mapped onto the Grid map at slide 149 of Exhibit L
JJJ 92 Clip of E-tv press conference of 17 August – vts_011_1 at 4:00
JJJ 93 Col Loest Photos presentation
JJJ 94 Screen shot of Nyala BHL 093 B (in slide 157 of exh L)
JJJ 95 Slide L 198 - Protesters approaching formation towards Nyala 4 who has been deploying the barbed wire
JJJ 96.196.2 Screen shot from exh L slide 157 from 1:54:45
JJJ 97 Letter from DLA Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr to the evidence leaders on 31 July 2013 with attached invoice to Lonmin dated 14 August 2012 for barbed wire.
JJJ 98 Screen shot of paramedics at scene 2 (24:31 of slide 188 of exh L)
JJJ 99.1 SAHRC Scene 1 Vehicle positions
JJJ 99.2 SAHRC Scene 1 Vehicle positions revised
JJJ 100 Letter from Van Velden Duffy 30 July 2013
JJJ 101A MARIKANA MASTER 1.pptx 20 982 679 M:2012/08/20 as saved at 20:03
JJJ 101A.1 Properties of Presentation Marikana Master1 pptx as saved at 20120820 20h03 version properties.PNG 212 203 M:2013/09/13 16:27
JJJ 101B Power point presentation MARIKANA MASTER 1.pptx saved on 2012/08/21 at 14:19
JJJ 101B.1 Marikana Master1 pptx properties.PNG 170 894 M:2013/09/12 21:03
JJJ 102A Version of Power point presentation: Pres Zuma.pptx saved on 2012/08/20 at 16:50
JJJ 102B Pres Zuma.pptx 18 668 671 M:2012/08/21 11:46
JJJ 102B.1 Properties of Pres Zuma pptx (last saved on 21 Aug) 2013/09/12 16:40
JJJ 103 Composite¬_20121114_1102.ts thumbnails and properties on SAPS Master.PNG 138 439 M:2013/09/
JJJ 104 Thumbnail of Coin directory on SAPS Master EHD PNG114 966 M:2013/09/13 08:45
JJJ 105 Marikana 20120816 12H24 avi 92 716 240 M:2012/09/13 08:45 Aerial footage of koppie on 16 August 2012
JJJ 106 Aerial footage from unmanned aerial vehicle On 16 August 2012 - UAV 310 557 664 M:2013/08/16 15:19
JJJ 107 Consolidated affidavit Brigadier Calitz .pdf 157 383 M:2013/09/13 09:40
JJJ 108 Consolidated affidavit Maj Gen Naidoo.pdf 380 549 M:2013/09/17 11:51
JJJ 109.1 Plan of scene 1 prepared by SAHRC with the positions of all SAPS vehicles at the time of scene 1 shootings
JJJ 109.2 SAHRC analysis of vehicles visible on Col Vermaak Blackberry IMG01516-20120816-1556.pdf 359
JJJ 109.3 SAHRC analysis of vehicle positions at scene 1 original.pdf 569 290 M:2013/09/17 12:07
JJJ 109.4 20130730 - email vvd to cals.doc 60 416 M:2013/09/17 12:00
JJJ 110 NASCOM Media Briefing.pptx 4 277 131 M:2012/08/17 08:12
JJJ 110.1 Nascom Media Briefing pptx properties.PNG 144 807 M:2013/09/12 17:31
JJJ 110.2 NASCOM Media Briefing slides 1-22.pdf 1 975 837 M:2013/09/12 20:31
JJJ 111 Ops Platinum Warboard.pptx 2 339 207 M:2012/08/17 00:51
JJJ 111.1 Ops Platinum Warboard pptx properties.PNG 172 746 M:2013/09/12 17:05
JJJ 112 Weapon specs and ballistics.docx 512 120 M:2012/10/30 12:35
JJJ 113 Minute of meeting 16 may 2012.docx 56 842 M:2012/11/28 13:38
JJJ 114 Operational diary of OS Diary P13.pdf 2 413 998 M:2012/08/29 10:25 & JJJ 114A
JJJ 115 Final Plan.jpg 287 944 M:2012/08/30 19:15
JJJ 116 Spread sheet with a Control List for the distribution of exh L (police presentation) [control list.xlsx 10 396 M:2012/08/27 18:23
JJJ 117 Complete Marikana 20120803.pptx/slides
JJJ 118 (Thumbnail) MARIKANA Thursday 16th.pptx 17 802 208 M:2012/09/01 18:43
JJJ 118.1 File properties: MARIKANA Thursday 16th.pptx 17 802 208 M:2012/09/01 18:43
JJJ 119 20120816 Deployment of holding area two members 20120829 1930.doc 52 736 M:2012/08/29 19
JJJ 120 aaaaa.doc 37 888 M: 2012/08/28 10:49
JJJ 120.1 aaaaaaaaaaaa.doc 38 400 M:2012/08/28 22:20
JJJ 120.2 lonmin mine HNT naration.doc 55 808 M:2012/09/05 15:05
JJJ 121 Briefing minutes 15 august 2012.docx 11 893 M:2012/08/28 13:39
JJJ 122 Briefing minutes 16 august 2012.docx 9 891 M:2012/08/28 13:33
JJJ 122.1 Minute 16 August 2012.docx 18 967 M:2012/09/01 18:42
JJJ 123 Properties on Briefing minutes 17 August 2012.docx 9 900 M:2012/08/28 13:33
JJJ 124 De-briefing minutes 15 August 2012.docx 9 881 M:2012/08/28 13:32
JJJ 125 De-briefing minutes 17 August 2012.docx 9 908 M:2012/08/28 13:33
JJJ 126 Electronic copy of minute of “Special JOCCOM meeting 2012-08-16.docx 20 088 M:2012/08/28 10:32
JJJ 126.1 Electronic file “Special JOCCOM meeting 2012-08-16 (2).docx 20 103 M saved on 2012/09/01 at 18:42
JJJ 127 Occurrence register and info notes 12 to 15 august 2012.docx 37 672 M:2012/08/28 09:10
JJJ 127.1 Occurrence register and info notes 12 to 15 august 2012 (2).docx 41 018 M:2012/08/28 17:46
JJJ 128 Occurrence register and notes for 16 august 2012 (2).docx 25 895 M:2012/08/28 12:54
JJJ 128.1 Occurrence register time line 13 to 18 August 2012.docx 41 302 M:2012/08/28 10:42
JJJ 128.2 shortcut to Occurrence register and notes for 16 august 2012.lnk 555 M:2012/08/28 11:04
JJJ 128.3 Shortcut to occurrence register and additional notes for 16 August 2012.lnk 555 M:2012/09/06 20:06
JJJ 129 JOC structure 1.docx 12 174 M:2012/08/28 09:43
JJJ 130 K9 Ground Forces Marikana.doc 29 696 M:2012/08/29 17:28
JJJ 131 LCRC Ground Forces Marikana.doc 32 768 M:2012/08/29 17:54
JJJ 132 Medics Ground Forces Marikana.doc 32 768 M:2012/08/29 17:36
JJJ 133 Mounted Unit Ground Forces Marikana.doc 33 280 M:2012/08/29 18:35
JJJ 134 NIU at FHA 1 Thursday 2012.doc 27 648 M:2012/08/29 18:14
JJJ 135 nyalas.docx 19 953 M:2012/11/07 15:02
JJJ 136 POP Ground Forces Marikana.doc 29 184 M:2012/08/29 17:28
JJJ 137 Unrest Rustenburg 22 May 2012.docx 40 772 M:2012/11/29 13:42
JJJ 138 STF Ground Forces Marikana.doc 33 792 M:2012/08/28 21:34
JJJ 138.1 STF Ground forces Marikana.doc 40 960 M:2012/08/29 12:27
JJJ 139 TRT Gauteng.16 August.docx 12 952 M:2012/08/29 10:46
JJJ 139.1 TRT Gauteng.16 August (2).docx 14 234 M:2012/08/29 13:19
JJJ 139.2 TRT 16 August Scene 1.doc 30 720 M:2012/08/29 16:51
JJJ 139.3 TRT 16 August.doc 29 184 M:2012/08/29 18:35
JJJ 140 Monday.doc 33 792 M:2012/08/28 10:42
JJJ 141 Oath of secrecy.pdf 3 213 663 M:2012/08/28 08:43
JJJ 141.1 Oath of Secrecy 1.pdf 1 610 640 M:2012/08/31 10:53
JJJ 142 Report Mere.docx 16 863 M:2012/08/29 16:24
JJJ 143 Detectives Ground Forces Marikana.doc 32 768 M:2012/08/29 17:58
JJJ 144 FHA 1 2012.doc 27 136 M:2012/08/29 18:25
JJJ 145 Canon Nyalas deployment.docx 14 245 M:2012/08/29 18:35
JJJ 146 Resource Audit.xlsx 37 759 M:2012/08/18 09:14
JJJ 147 Affidavit As From 10 August 2012 (2).xlsx 20 898 M:2012/08/29 12:41
JJJ 148 Strategy on Planning of Op..docx 22 127 M:2012/10/27 11:17
JJJ 149 Ops Platinum version 23 Aug at 21h00.pdf 2 852 750 M:2012/08/23 20:56
JJJ 150 Ops Platinum 14 Aug 2012.pptx 1 748 421 M:2012/08/23 19:26
JJJ 151 Ops Platinum 14 to 16 Aug 2012.pptx 1 867 270 M:2012/08/23 20:52
JJJ 152 Ops Platinum 14 Aug 2012 a.pptx 2 150 875 M:2012/08/30 12:06
JJJ 153 Draft of document purporting to be Operational plan – Operation Platinum.docx 73 399 M:2012/10/04 11:19 by Capt Bembe
JJJ 154 Marikana Master.pptx 26 906 770 M:2012/08/23 12:03
JJJ 155 Complete Marikana 20120803.pptx 36 245 338 M:2012/09/04 20:36
JJJ 156 MEMORANDUM 20120905.pdf 4 322 442 M:2012/09/05 20:22
JJJ 157 Marikana 16th ver 1.pptx 167 525 015 M:2012/10/02 16:00
JJJ 158 Marikana Final.pptx 2 596 349 815 M:2012/10/15 17:51
JJJ 159 Marikana Final 2.pptx 2 601 617 665 M:2012/10/18 12:15
JJJ 160 Marikana Final 18 Oct 2012.pptx 6 890 278 361 M:2012/10/23 14:05
JJJ 161 Scene 2 28 Oct 2012.pptx 2 902 657 M:2012/11/05 18:21
JJJ 162 Scene 2 Bodies.pptx 609 635 M:2013/03/19 14:21
JJJ 163.1 Plan dated 13 August [13 plan.pdf 677 150 M:2012/09/20 09:53]
JJJ 163.2 Plan dated 14 August [14 plan.pdf 689 366 M:2012/09/20 10:39]
JJJ 163.3 Plan dated 15 August [15 plan.pdf 689 366 M:2012/09/20 10:39]
JJJ 163.4 Plan dated 16 August [16 plan.pdf 892 744 M:2012/09/20 11:07]
JJJ 164 AFFIDAVIT: Katlego Joseph Sekgwelea
JJJ 165 Blank Attendance list for Special JOCCOM on 16 8.docx 12 062 M:2012/08/30 16:22
JJJ 166 Rentia Engels email dated 12 November 2013
JJJ 167 Statement by Brig Engelbrecht.
JJJ 168 JOC Hand Written Notes: 16 August 2012 (06H00)
JJJ 169 JOC Hand Written Notes: 14 August 2012
JJJ 170 JOC Hand Written Notes: 15 August 2012
JJJ 171 JOC Hand Written Notes: 17 August 2012
JJJ 172 JOC Hand Written Notes: 18 August 2012
JJJ 173 JOC Hand Written Notes: 19 August 2012
JJJ 174 JOC Hand Written Notes: 20 August 2012
JJJ 175 JOC Hand Written Notes: 22 August 2012
JJJ 176 JOC Hand Written Notes: 23 August 2012
JJJ 177 Extract: Minutes of National Management of the Police of 15 August 2012
JJJ 178 Gary White MBE: Final Statement White dated 4 October 2013
JJJ 179 Statement Ntlati M J
JJJ 180 Phokeng Mortuary Occurrence Book
JJJ 181 Affidavit of Sima Mmuka Laka
JJJ 182 Affidavit Thulani Ralph Tladinyane
JJJ 183 Affidavit Josephine Keetseng Ngake
JJJ 184 Affidavit Ernest Matthews Thage
JJJ 185 Operational Diary of Capt B W James
JJJ 186 Diary extract
JJJ 187 Affidavit: Suzette Pretorius
JJJ 187A Statement of Brig Pretorius
JJJ 188 Extract of mobile telephone records of SAPS
JJJ 189 List of sequential drafts that developed into SAPS presentation (exh L)
JJJ 190 List of Notes or files produced at Roots, Potchefstroom
JJJ 191 Evidence Leaders’ reconstruction of source videos for slides 50 and 90 of exh L
JJJ 192 Transcript of meeting between provincial commissioner (Gen Mbombo) and representatives of Lonmin on afternoon of Tuesday, 14 August 2012
JJJ 193 Email from Josephine Ngake to Phokeng Detectives Administration
JJJ 194 Raw footage apparently taken for Aljazeera on 16 August 2012 [194.1 to 194.71]
JJJ 195 Zoomed in screen shot taken 40 seconds into Protea Coin Helicopter video exh CC22
JJJ 196 Screen shot of Aljazeera footage (JJJ196) at 0:00
JJJ 197 Video clip from channel 4 broadcast of incident 2, scene 1
JJJ 198 Affidavit of Katherine Scott (with annexures)
JJJ 199 SAPS presentation “Marikana Master HQ” dated 29 August 2012 (presented by Scott to task team in Pretoria)
JJJ 200 Affidavit of Monique Marks (Families expert)
JJJ 201 Opening statement of the families of the deceased miners
JJJ 202 Statement by Lonmin interpreter
JJJ 203 Call up instructions for work session on operational response service policies commencing on 28 August 2012 until 20 September 2012 (Roots)
JJJ 204 Fuller video clip relating to slide 90 of exh L: SAPs EHD14 August/ MTS43>
JJJ 205 Annotated version of previously undisclosed video emanating from JJJ194
JJJ 206 Photo presentation
JJJ 206.1 Photograph of protestor throwing a stone
JJJ 206.2 Photograph of weapons on 16 August 2012

KKK (Brig Calitz)
KKK 1 Bundle of SAPS photos (rituals pics) SAPS EHD: Photos/Tuesday 14 August/ DSC 4765/4766/4767/4778/4784/4786/4796/4807/4795
KKK 2 Video taken at demonstration at centurion on Thursday, 21 November 2013
KKK 2.1
KKK 2.2
KKK 2.3
KKK 2.4
KKK 2.5
KKK 2.6
KKK 2.7
KKK 2.8
KKK 2.9
KKK 3 Bundle of pictures of the inside of a nyala
KKK 4 List of selected mobile telephone calls between members of SAPS from 04H00 0n 15 August 2012 to 23H53 16 August 2012
KKK 5 Statement of Constable Seeko dated September 2012
KKK 6 Statement of W/O Kgosana dated September 2012
KKK 7 Statement of W/O Nong
KKK 8 Timelineprepared by the SAHRC
KKK 9 Rowland headgear CCTV footage 16 / 08 / 2012 From 15H00 to 16H59:59 Incident 1: 16H15H55 (15H53:26 ETV)
KKK 10 SAPS Summary of forensic experts reports
KKK 11 Bundle of photographs of shotgun victims
KKK 12 Statement of Hendrick Legau
KKK 13 Laminated photograph of scene 1
KKK 14 Zoomed in laminated photograph of scene 1
KKK 15 Video of Brig Calitz depicting movement on laminated photographs using wooden blocks
KKK 16.5108 to 16.5157 Col Botha’s photographs of 16 August 2012 numbered 5108 to 5157
KKK 17.1 to 17.4
KKK 17.1 Vermaak photo 4552
KKK 17.2 Still from Ryland video exhibit I at 01:39
KKK 17.3 Still from video exhibit CC22 at 34:29
KKK 17.4 Still from video exhibit CC22 at 34:31
KKK 18 Thumbnails of W/O Nong’s photographs taken near the north west corner of koppie 3 and inside koppie 3
KKK 19 Movement of papa 11
KKK 20 Statement of Lt Col Mthimkulu
KKK 21 Statement of Sgt F Baloyi
KKK 22 Statement of W/O KJ Mokoena
KKK 23 Statement of Cst Njephe
KKK 24 Statement of W/O Nong [duplication of KKK7]
KKK 25 Statement of W/O Shange
KKK 26 Statement of Cst Seeko[duplication of KKK5]
KKK 27 Statement of W/O Kgosana[duplication of KKK6]
KKK 28 Statement of W/O Malesoena
KKK 29 Statement of W/O DD Makhanye
KKK 30 Statement of Cst Mabena
KKK 31 Statement of Capt NI Msiza
KKK 32 Statement of Cst BN Mbatsane
KKK 33 Statement of Lt SH Molobye
KKK 34 Statement of Cst PS Dlamini
KKK 35 Statement of Cst IZ Biko
KKK 36 Statement of Cst ML Mokganedi
KKK 37 Statement of Sgt TJ Monokoane
KKK 38 Statement of W/O MJ Tawana
KKK 39.1 and 39.2 Statements of W/O Kruger
KKK 40 CALS/SAHRC document: JJJ194, JJJ197 field of view plan
KKK 41 CALS/SAHRC document: Chronology of opportunities for brig Calitz to have known of the shooting incidents
KKK 42 Annotated copy of unofficial notes of Capt Van Heerden (from JJJ168)
KKK 43 CALS/SAHRC analysis - use of radio and telephone by SAPS members at scene 1
KKK 44 SAPS HD/media DVD’s/ Int Channels Aljazeera;BBC;CNN;Sky News16th/video_TS
KKK 45 CALS/SAHRC analysis – images of P1 at scene 2 with doors open
KKK 46 Supplementary affidavit of Joseph Mathunjwa
KKK 47 Powerpoint presentation:Tactical Options Block
KKK 48 Powerpoint presentation:Tactical Options Disperse
KKK 49 Powerpoint presentation:Tactical Options Encircle
KKK 50 Powerpoint presentation:Use of force crowd management
KKK 51 Presentation: Position of SAPS vehicles at 15:53:50
KKK 52 Presentation:movement of SAPS vehicles relative to strikers
KKK 53 Presentation: The shot fired by the striker
KKK 54 Presentation: Movement in the last minure
KKK 55 ETV footage
KKK 55.1 Edited ETV footage
KKK 56 Transcript of Joseph Mathunjwa’s second address
KKK 57.1 to 57.2 Photographs of barbed wire and fencing
KKK 58 Pocketbook of Cnst Msiza
KKK 59 Diary of Brig Calitz
KKK 60 Supplementary statement of Mamabolo dated 20 January 2014

LLL (Gen Mbombo)
LLL 1 Amplified statement of Gen Mbombo
LLL 2 Draft minute of special sitting of Natjoc
LLL 3 Gen Mbombo phone records for 14 – 16 August 2012
LLL 4 CV of Gen Mbombo
LLL 5 SAPS Profile: George Fivaz
LLL 6 Statement of Brig Engelbrecht dated 10 September 2013
LLL 7 Statement of Col Sepaale dated 21 November 2012
LLL 8 Lt Col Vermaak statement dated 21 Janaury 2014
LLL 8.1 Translated version of LLL8
LLL 9 Statement of Adv Moolman dated 22 August 2013
LLL 10 Internet article “NW ANC squabbles overshadow centenary torch stop” dated 16 August 2012
LLL 11 Final Interim Report of Marikana (Mkhwanazi report)
LLL 12 Final Affidavit of E Hendrickx dated 27 January 2014
LLL 13 Manuscript statement of JJ Swarts (undated)
LLL 14 Supplementary statement of JJ Swarts
LLL 15 Pocketbook of JJ Swarts
LLL 16 Protected Disclosure Act 26 of 2000
LLL 17 Regulation 020 for SAPS Act
LLL 18 Training records of POP shooters
LLL 18.1 Key to CALS training analysis
LLL 19 TRT shooters
LLL 20 NIU shooters
LLL 21 K9 shooters
LLL 22 Shooting practice
LLL 23 POP Training failures
LLL 24 Not fit to carry firearm
LLL 25 Training records
LLL 26 Statement of Mr X

MMM (Gen Naidoo)
MMM 1 Slide L148 gridded
MMM 2 KKK16.5141 cropped and gridded
MMM 3 Extract from Marikana: A view from the mountain and a case to answer
MMM 4 Maj Gen Naidoo call records
MMM 5 Routes that vehicles from FHA1 should have taken
MMM 6 Statement of Sgt Molangoanyane
MMM 7 Statement of Cnst Mutsi
MMM 8 Statement of Cnst Motsemme
MMM 9A Maj Gen Naidoo AVL.kmz
MMM 9B Maj Gen Naidoo movement analysis AVL.PNG
MMM 10 Medicolegal report by Prof Boffard
MMM 11 Maj Gen Naidoo’s gridded google map
MMM 12.1 to 12.3 Presentation – Lonmin chopper MP4
MMM 13.1 to 13.3 Presentation – movement of cars from FHA1
MMM 14 Powerpoint presentation – cars from FHA1
MMM 15 Statement by W/O Biyela
MMM 16 Statement of W/O Kwela
MMM 17 Statement by W/O Dintwe
MMM 18 Statement of W/O Tongwane
MMM 19 Photograph showing entrance to power station
MMM 20 Affidavit of OD Mopedi
MMM 21 Mr Mdze medical records
MMM 22 Supplementary statement of Brig Suzette Pretorius
MMM 23 Supplementary statement of Col Modiba dated 3 November 2012
MMM 24 Manuscript statement of Sgt Nkebe
MMM 25 Manuscript statement of Lt Ndlela
MMM 26 Presentation of NIU and K9 at scene 2
MMM 27 Presentation on gun evidence tampering
MMM 28 Capt Mohlaki photo 0500
MMM 29 Supplementary statement of Sgt T Mathavha
MMM 30 Statement of AL Harmse
MMM 31 Statement of Lt Col Pieterse dated 21 January 2013
MMM 32 Letter from IPID to PC dated 20 August 2012
MMM 33 Brig Pretorius letter to IPID dated 21 August 2012
MMM 34 Letter from Maj Gen Naidoo to IPID dated 24 August 2012
MMM 35 Letter from Maj Gen Naidoo to IPID dated 24 August 2012 (b)
MMM 36 Letter from IPID to PC 12 November 2012
MMM 37 Letter from Brig Pretorius to Van Velden Duffy dated 15 November 2012
MMM 38 IPID investigation diary
MMM 39.1 to 39.31 Statements of various K9 members at FHA1
MMM 40.1 to 40.6 Statement of POP members at FHA1
MMM 41.1 CALS spreadsheet: K9 FHA1 statement analysis submission
MMM 41.2 CALS spreadsheet: POP FHA1 statement analysis submission
MMM 41.3 CALS spreadsheet: mounted unit FHA1 statement analysis submission
MMM 42 Maj Gen Naidoo spreadsheet - movement analysis
MMM 43 CALS analysis of routes from FHA1 to scene 1
MMM 44 CALS analysis of movement of FHA1 convoy to koppie 3
MMM 45 CALS analysis movement of K9 and NIU members on foot at koppie 3
MMM 46 Photograph of entrance to power station
MMM 47 Presentation on deaths of victims A, B, M and O
MMM 48.1 Statement of Nkosikhona Mjuba IPID (A70)
MMM 48.2 Statement of Zwelimangele Mvakalelwa IPID (A77)
MMM 48.3 Statement of Moeketsi Makala IPID (A88)
MMM 49.1 SAPS policy 2 of 2005: Policy on Crime Scene Management
MMM 49.2 Detective Learning Programme: Crime Scene Management
MMM 49.3 Detective Learning Programme - Module 9: Crime Scene Management
MMM 50 Witness statement of Shadrack Mtshamba
MMM 51.1 Photograph IMG_0961
MMM 51.2 Photograph IMG_0962
MMM 51.3 Photograph IMG_0963
MMM 51.4 Photograph IMG_0964
MMM 51.5 Photograph IMG_0965
MMM 51.6 Photograph IMG_0966
MMM 52.1 to 52.6 (Bundle of documents dealing with withdrawal of shotgun pellets)
MMM 53 SAP 15 dated 16 to 17 August 2012
MMM 54 Statement of Const Dubeni

NNN Mr X application
NNN 1 Founding affidavit Mr X Application
NNN 2 Answering affidavit Mr X Application
NNN 3 Replying affidavit Mr X Application

OOO Lt Col Vermaak
OOO 1 Col Vermaak CV
OOO 2 Col Vermaak POP OCT Certificate
OOO 3 Email from Col Vermaak to PC dated 6 May 2011
OOO 4 news article dated 22 May 2012
OOO 5 Mail and Guardian online article dated 22 May 2012
OOO 6 Annotated photograph showing direction in which Col Vermaak shot
OOO 7 Excerpt from Col Vermaak’s diary dated 13 and 16 August 2012
OOO 8 Vermaak manuscript statement dated 16 August 2012
OOO 8.1 Typed version of OOO8
OOO 9 Telephone records of Lt Col Vermaak
OOO 10 Information note prepared by Lt Col Vermaak submitted to National Commissioner
OOO 11 Transcript of exh CC22 (Lonmin chopper transcript)
OOO 12.1 Flight logs dated 13 August 2012
OOO 12.2 Flight logs dated 14 August 2012
OOO 12.3 Flight logs dated 15 August 2012
OOO 12.4 Flight logs dated 16 August 2012
OOO 13 Exhibit B3 with Col Vermaak’s annotations showing the direction in which the strikers marched on 13 August 2012
OOO 14 Picture of the body of the late Mr Sokhanyile
OOO 15 Statement of Rikhotso
OOO 16 Diary of Col Vermaak for 9 and 10 January 2014
OOO 17 Picture with Col Vermaak’s annotations showing movement of strikers from koppie 1 to the kraal
OOO 18 Extract of diary of Col Vermaak dated 20 and 21 January 2013
OOO 19.1 Draft of narrative
OOO 19.2 Draft of narrative
OOO 19.3 Draft of narrative
OOO 19.4 Draft of narrative
OOO 19.5 Draft of narrative
OOO 19.6 Draft of narrative
OOO 20 CALS analysis of exh Z2 and Z3 (use of teargas and stun grenades on 13 August)
OOO 21 Brugger and Thomet presentation. GL 06 40mm Grenade Launcher
OOO 22 CALS interrogatories for Lt Col Vermaak
OOO 23 Families presentation on the death of Mr Sokhanyile
OOO 24 Affidavit of Capt Mushwana dated 14 October 2012
OOO 25 Supplementary statement of Capt Mushwana
OOO 26 Sketchplan of Mr Mushwana
OOO 27 Affidavit of de Caires
OOO 28 Affidavit of Pieterse
OOO 29.1 Manuscript statement of Const Yende
OOO 29.2 Typed statement of Const Yende
OOO 30.1 Manuscript statement of W/O Mogale
OOO 30.2 Typed statement of W/O Mogale
OOO 31 SAPS 15 for 13 August 2014
OOO 32 “You strike a gathering you strike a rock” by Sean Tait and Monique Marks
OOO 33 “The Road to Marikana: Abuse of force during POP operations” by David Bruce
OOO 34 CALS Presentation: “The movement of strikers from the koppie to the kraal”
OOO 35 POP Procedural Manual
OOO 36 Presentation by AMCU: Fences
OOO 37 List of “misconducts” of Col Vermaak
OOO 38 Extract of SAPS Helicopter Operations Manual of Air Wing
OOO 39 Updated version of helicopter operations manual
OOO 40 AVL Report of motor vehicle under control of Col Vermaak
OOO 41 Iris report: incident at Stilfontein 1993
OOO 42 Standing order 259: Rapid response services and radio equipped vehicles
OOO 43 Circular of airborne law enforcement officers: SAPS Air Wing
OOO 44 Transcript of interview between Adv Wesley and Col Vermaak
OOO 45 Pocketbook of Constable Rikhotso

PPP 1 Memorandum: Concerned members of Marikana Community

QQQ 1 Consolidated statement of Lt Col Merafe dated 10 April 2014
QQQ 2 Statement of Lt Col Merafe dated 30 November 2012
QQQ 3 Supplementary statement of Lt Col Merafe dated 29 November 2013
QQQ 4 Minutes of POP Conference : Manhattan Hotel 29 May 2012
QQQ 5 Handwritten notes by Col Merafe
QQQ 6 Manuscript statement of Col Merafe dated 13 August 2012
QQQ 7 Supplementary statement of Const Sekgweleya dated 7 April 2014
QQQ 8 Supplementary statement of Sgt Mguye dated 7 April 2014
QQQ 9 Consolidated statement of Capt Thupe dated 14 April 2014
QQQ 10 Minute of ORS meeting dated 16 May 2012
QQQ 11 3009 to 4112 Photographs of Tlhabane, 22 May 2012
QQQ 12 IRIS report for Thlabane incident
QQQ 13 Telephone records of Brig Calitz
QQQ 14.1 Statement of Brig Seboloki dated 19 July 2013
QQQ 14.2 Supplementary statement of Brig Seboloki dated 12 September 2013
QQQ 15.1 Letter from CALS to Van Velden Duffy dated 24 January 2013
QQQ 15.2 Annexures to SAPS email to CALS dated 26 February 2013
QQQ 15.3 SAPS letter to CALS dated 08 February 2013

RRR (Capt Thupe)
RRR 1 Statement of Capt Thupe dated 19 August 2012
RRR 2 Typed warning statement
RRR 3 Statement of Capt Thupe dated 12 December 2012
RRR 4 Statement of Capt Thupe dated 5 February 2013
RRR 5 Diary entries of 13 and 16 August 2012
RRR 6 Shooting list of 13 August 2012
RRR 7 Shooting list of 16 August 2012
RRR 8 Annexure SKT1 to consolidated statement of Capt Thupe
RRR 9 Manuscript statement of W/O Kuhn
RRR 10 Statement of Lt Col Classen dated 27 January 2014
RRR 11 Statement of Lt Col Classen dated 28 January 2014
RRR 12 Zoomed inversion of JJJ46
RRR 13 Powerpoint presentation “ The line-up
RRR 14 Presentation: Lead groups movement past small kraal and shouts to TRT to form basic line
RRR 15 Presentation: 1 second before the TRT volley
RRR 16 Zoom in of JJJ194.17
RRR 17 Join of Reuters footage
RRR 18 Statement byLt Col Mthimkulu dated May 2014
RRR 19 Statement ofSN Cebekhulu

SSS (Capt Loest)
SSS 1 Statement of Capt Loest dated 25 September 2012
SSS 1.1 Typed version ofSSS1
SSS 2 Statement of Capt Loest dated 7 November 2012
SSS 2.1 Typed version ofSSS2
SSS 3 Supplementary statement of Capt Loest dated 25 January 2014
SSS 4 Excerpt from diary of Capt Loest for 16 August 2012
SSS 5 Curriculum vitae of Capt Loest

TTT (Lt Col McIntosh)
TTT 1 Statement by Lt Col McIntosh dated 13 May 2014
TTT 2 CV of Lt Col McIntosh
TTT 3 Videos taken on 14 August and15 August 2012 by W/O Masinya
TTT 4 Video “Miners shot down” (Desai)
TTT 4.1 Part One
TTT 4.2 Part Two
TTT 4.3 Part Three
TTT 4.4 Part Four
TTT 5 Manuscript IPID statement by Lt Col McIntosh dated 19 August 2012
TTT 6 Presentation on placement of Mr Mpumza’s body
TTT 7.1 Const Sebetyane’s / Sebetjane typed statement
TTT 7.2 Const Sebetyane’s / Sebetjane manuscript statement
TTT 8 Capt Kidd’s unsigned warning statement
TTT 9 Statement of Capt Greyling

UUU (Capt Kidd)
UUU 1 CV of Capt Kidd
UUU 2 Consolidated statement of Capt Kidd
UUU 3 Consolidated statement of Const Sebetjane / Sebetyane
UUU 4 Manuscript statement of Capt Ryland
UUU 5 CALS analysis of AVL records of Gen Naidoo and Capt Kidd
UUU 6 Excerpt of diary of Capt Kidd dated 16 August 2012
UUU 7 Statement by W/O Lepitsi dated
UUU 8 Statement of Const William Khubeka
UUU 9 Statement of Const Mabasa
UUU 10 Statement of Const Mokgetla
UUU 11 Statement of W/O Batsi
UUU 12 Statement of Sergeant Mahlatsi
UUU 13 Additional statement of Sergeant Mahlatsi
UUU 14 Statement of Const Pelaelao
UUU 15 Additional statement of Const Pelaelao
UUU 16 Presentation: Positions and distance

VVV (Lt Col Classen)
VVV 1 CV of Lt Col Classen
VVV 2 Excerpt of diary of Lt Col Classen for 16 August 2012
VVV 3.1 IPID Manuscript statement of Const Samuel Hlongwane dated 23 August 2012
VVV 3.2 Typed version ofVVV3.1
VVV 4.1 IPID Manuscript statement of Const Eric Nkabi dated 24 August 2012
VVV 4.2 Typed version ofVVV4.1
VVV 5.1 IPID manuscript statement of Const Mabaso dated 23 August 2012
VVV 5.2 Typed version ofVVV5.1
VVV 6.1 Manuscript IPID statement of Const Majombozi
VVV 6.2 Typed IPID statement of Const Majombozi
VVV 6.3 Written statement of Const Majombozi
VVV 6.4 Statement of Const Majombozi dated 30 August 2012
VVV 6.5 Statement of Const Madlopha dated September 2012
VVV 6.6 Written Statement of Const Madlopa
VVV 6.7 Additional statement of Const Madlopha
VVV 7 Presentation “ Screenshots from exhibitRRR17
VVV 8 Presentation “M’s position”
VVV 9 Position of shotgun victims
VVV 10 Presentation: “Possible evidence of the shotgun and the location of the shooter”

WWW Cst Sebatjane
WWW 1 CV of Const Sebatjane
WWW 2 Presentation Photos of Mr Mpumza carrying weapons
WWW 3 Lt Col Botha’s enhanced video
WWW 4 Screen shot from I2
WWW 5 Statement from Const Mabe
WWW 6.1 Statement from Const Buthelezi
WWW 6.2 Additional statement of Const Buthelezi
WWW 7 Statement of Const Ngoyama
WWW 8 Additional slide setting out positions of Const Sebatjane, Mabe and POP officers

XXX Mr Da Costa
XXX 1 Note to Lonmin Schedules: Composition of strikers
XXX 2 Supplementary statement of Da Costa (146 onwards)
XXX 3 Lonmin bundle in chief of Da Costa documents
XXX 4 Karee RDOOccurrence Book
XXX 5 Affidavit of Mohammed Patel
XXX 6 Confirmatory affidavit of Mr Dunne
XXX 7 Affidavit by Mr Tantsi
XXX 8 Lonmin mining security procedures
XXX 9 Minutes of Meeting held on the 13th August 2012 between Lonmin Mining Management and AMCUHead Office in Hossy Boardroom
XXX 10 Clear/Legible copy of Annexure B to witness statement.
XXX 11 Memorandum re: Arrangements for the duty roster i/r/o the Security Control Room deployment of the 16th issued by Mr Van Rensburg.

ZZZ 1 CV of Col Modiba
ZZZ 2.1 IPID statement dated 23 August 2012 (IPID notes and typed statement)
ZZZ 2.2 IPID statement dated 25 August 2012
ZZZ 3 Statement of Col KT Modiba dated 23 September
ZZZ 4 Consultation notes. Statement of Col Modiba dated 19 December 2013
ZZZ 5 Naidoo – Steyl report
ZZZ 6 Statement of Const Mokgele
ZZZ 7.1 IPID statement of Const Ngwaleni
ZZZ 7.2 Further statement of Const Ngwaleni
ZZZ 8 Portion of standing order 251

AAAA (Mr X) AAAA 1.1 Manuscript statement of Mr X dated 7 February 2013
AAAA 1.2 Typed version of (AAAA1.1) statement of Mr X dated 7 February 2013
AAAA 2 Statement of Mr X marked A44 in docket CAS 107/08/2012
AAAA 3 Statement of Mr X marked A45 in docket CAS 107
AAAA 4 Statement of Mr X marked A17 in docket CAS 109/08/2012
AAAA 5 Statement of Mr X marked A18 in docket CAS 109/08/2012
AAAA 6 Statement of Mr X marked A34 in CAS 111/08/2012
AAAA 7 Statement of Mr X marked A35 in CAS 111/08/2012
AAAA 8 Typed statement number 10 in Bundle B
AAAA 9 Photograph of Mr X on 10 August 2012
AAAA 10 Video taken by Mr Callie on 10 August 2012
AAAA 11 Photo of a sheet
AAAA 12 Photo taken by W/O Masinya during inspection in loco
AAAA 13 Affidavit of A P Viljoen dealing with the inspection in loco of 31 July 2013
AAAA 14 Inspection in loco letter of w / o Viljoen dated 31 July 2012
AAAA 15 Inspection in loco affidavit of W/O A Viljoen dated 1 October 2013
AAAA 16.1 Photographs (including key) of the inspection in loco prepared by W/O Viljoen (The big hole presentation)
AAAA 17 Affidavit of FPR Van der Merwe dated 25 February 2014
AAAA 18 Affidavit of W/O Cronje
AAAA 19 Letter from Gen JK Phahlane
AAAA 20 Key to photos by AP Viljoen
AAAA 21 Key and photographs in CAS 59/08/2012 prepared and taken by Const Ngqakoshe
AAAA 22 PM report of Mr Langa dated 14 August 2012
AAAA 23 Affidavit of Simon Harry Kgopana
AAAA 24 Affidavit of Kanyisa Ngqakoshe
AAAA 25 Daily Maverick picture
AAAA 26 Bethanie Cas 48/01/2013 (Mr X laying charges and withdrawing charges)
AAAA 27 Mr Miles’ video taken at Lonmin Time Office on 10 August 2012
AAAA 28 Translation of soundtrack of AAAA27 (transcript of AAAA27)
AAAA 29 Extract from SAPS EHD from: 15 August Video 34. MTS 16:26:26 (ETV 16:25:18)
AAAA 30 Col Mere DSC 3449 Camera 00:43:56 (ETV 14:58:36)
AAAA 31 Cell phone records of Mr Mathunjwa
AAAA 32 Cell phone records of Mr Nzuza
AAAA 33 Stills extracted from video
AAAA 33.1 Still extracted from video HHH61
AAAA 33.2 Still extracted from video exhibit Z1
AAAA 33.3 Still extracted from video Z1 at 21:44
AAAA 34 Photographs of Mr X on the 15th
AAAA 34.1 Numbered version of AAAA34
AAAA 34.2 Numbered version of AAAA34 and Col Mere’s photo DSC 3519 (Maverick picture)
AAAA 35.1 Google earth image
AAAA 35.2 Google earth image
AAAA 35.3 Google earth image
AAAA 36 ICAM Statement of Dewald Louw
AAAA 37 Statement of Joseph Masibi
AAAA 38 Statement of Julius Motlogeloa
AAAA 39 Statement of Dirk Cornelius Botes
AAAA 40 Statement of Mr Swaleh Fundi
AAAA 41 Article from City Press dated 29 June 2014 “Mother of Mr X: I know my son is going to die”
AAAA 42 Video clip from 15 August 2012 SAPS EHD/ Videos/ 15 Aug/ 034 (Same as Exhibit EEE5)
AAAA 43 Supplementary affidavit of Joseph Mathunjwa dated 11 July 2014
AAAA 44.1 Photograph of Mr Madumbe
AAAA 44.2 Affidavit of Mr Madumbe
AAAA 45 Affidavit of Mpofana
AAAA 46 Stop order authorization forms
AAAA 46.1 Stop order authorization form dated 19 September
AAAA 46.2 Stop order authorization form dated 114 December 2012
AAAA 46.3 Stop order authorization form dated 3 May 2012
AAAA 47 Clocking history of Mr X from 1 August to September 2012
AAAA 48 Google earth image of 24 October 2011 showing big hole on the koppie

BBBB (Gary White)
BBBB 1 Index to final statement of Gary White
BBBB 2 Index to supplementary statement
BBBB 3 Errata and clarifications of final statement
BBBB 4 Supplementary statement of Gary White
BBBB 5 Statement of Molatowage
BBBB 6 HMIC (Rules of engagement)
BBBB 7 Unseen footage of Marikana
BBBB 8 Special Rapporteur report dated 1 April 2014

CCCC (Min Mthethwa)
CCCC 1 Supplementary statement of Minister Mthethwa
CCCC 1.1 Copy of letter dated 31 August 2011, From Minister of Police to General Cele, Subject: “Policy on policing of gatherings and protests”.
CCCC 1.2 Implementation plan for the police policy on managing public protest, Dated 2013-02-19
CCCC 1.3 Status report: Civilian Secretariat for Police Public Order Policing
CCCC 1.4 Status report: Civilian Secretariat for Police, “Progress by the SAPS with regard to implementation of recommendations made by the CSP on implementation of the Public Order Policy
CCCC 1.5 Draft white paper on the police
CCCC 1.6 Copy of letter from Office of State Attorney Pretoria dated 25 April 2014 requesting communication related information
CCCC 1.8 Summary of Min Mthethwas telephone logs
CCCC 2 Copy of Email dated 11 March 2013 at 02:23pm from Adv Mbuyiseli Madlanga SC to Nomzamo Zondo Subject: “Request from AMCU and Families team
CCCC 3 Copy of letter dated 8 April 2013 with reference 7264/2012/Z48 from Office of State Attorney to Evidence Leaders Heading: “Request AMCU and Families Team”
CCCC 4 Copy of Email dated 2 June 2014 10:30 From Adv Mbuyiseli Madlanga SC to Nkosi Thomas SC Heading: “Statement - Minister of Police
CCCC 5 Statement of Minister Shabangu dated 22 January 2014
CCCC 5.1 Correction to paragraph 12
CCCC 6 Witness statement of Shadrack Ledingwane
CCCC 7.1 Video clip: SAPS EHD/Media DVDs/SAPS Marikana Press Conference 17th video/VTS 01_2.VOB
CCCC 7.2 Transcript of Minister’s address at CCCC7.1
CCCC 8.1 Letter from CALS headed “Interrogatories for Mr De Rover
CCCC 8.2 De Rover’s response to CALS
CCCC 9 Mail and Guardian Article: Marikana Mthethwa receives preliminary report on assault allegations
CCCC 10 Business Report: Police did their best Mthethwa
CCCC 11 Hansard: 21 August 2012
CCCC 12 SAPS Press Conference 17 August 2012
CCCC 12.1 Part One
CCCC 12.2 Part Two
CCCC 12.3 Part Three
CCCC 12.4 Part Four
CCCC 12.5 Part Five

DDDD Mr Dewald Louw
DDDD 1 Statement of Mr Dewald Louw dated 16/08/12
DDDD 2 Shooting incident report dated 21/08/12 from D Louw to Callie Miles
DDDD 3.1-3.6 ICAM Report File 1 Tab 14 - Series of photos depicting damage to vehicles
DDDD 4 Google Map depicting the position of the strikers and where the vehicle driven by D Louw stopped the Lonmin bakkie. Map replaced by a photo
DDDD 4.2 Google Map image depicting the position of Dewald's stopped car
DDDD 4.3 Google map image of eastern entrance to Wonderkop hostel area (D262 P33014)
DDDD 5 ICAM report File 2 Tab 3 (Lonmin organogram)
DDDD 6 Statement of Vorster
DDDD 7 Statement of Masibi
DDDD 8 Shooting incident report
DDDD 9 Discharge register
DDDD 10 Written statement of Motlogelwa
DDDD 11 Further witness statement of Motlogelwa dated 2 July 2014
DDDD 12 Shooting report

EEEE (Sybrand Botes)
EEEE 1.1 Affidavit of Botes filed under Bethanie CAS 59/08/2012
EEEE 1.2 Clocking history of Mr Langa from 7/01/2012 to 8/14/2012
EEEE 1.3 Employee history of Mr Langa
EEEE 2 Witness statement of Mr Botes dated 18 October 2012
GGG19 is an amplified version of EEEE2
EEEE 3.1 Affidavit of Mr Botes dated 8 November 2012 (video footage and google eartn pinpointing)
EEEE 3.2 Annexures DB1 (Stills from footage taken on)
EEEE 3.2 Annexure DB2 (Stills from footage taken on)
EEEE 3.3 Annexure DB3 – Google map pinpointing camera 241/ CAM GA4S Flir
EEEE 4 Affidavit of Mr Botes dated 4 December 2012 (employment details and suspension notice)
EEEE 4.2 Employee details of Xolani Nzuza
EEEE 4.3 Suspension notice of Xolani Nzuza
EEEE 5 Affidavit of Botes dated 27 February 2013 (Positioning of cameras)
EEEE 6 Affidavit dated 2 August 2013
EEEE 7 Affidavit dated 12 August 2013 (Identify of persons at behest of SAPS)
EEEE 8 First supplementary statement of Dirk Botes dated 3 July 2014
Corrected version of AAAA39
EEEE 8.1 Annexure DB1 – Stills of footage from camera 218
EEEE 8.2 Annexure DB2 – stills of footage from camera 241 / cam GA 4S flir
EEEE 9 Further supplementary statement of Dirk Botes dated 24 July 2014
Dates appearing on EEEE8 corrected and more info given on Sun 12
EEEE 10 Discharge register for the period 10 August 2012 to 6 September 2012
EEEE 11 Shooting report dated 21 August 2012
EEEE 12 List of deceased
EEEE 13 Schedule of persons arrested on 16 August 2012 (list of Lonmin employees)
EEEE 14 Google earth picture showing place where AMCU and striking miners clashed
EEEE 15 Google earth file showing place where Mr Fundi and Mabelane were found
EEEE 15.1 to 15.12 Google earth images
EEEE 16 Google earth showing where Mr Langa’s body was found
EEEE 17 Karee RDO spread sheet started by Sinclair in Lonmin JOC
EEEE 18 Screen shot of screen hostel main dome camera 637
EEEE 19.1 Screen shot of Lonmin Karee RDO OB
EEEE 19.2 Hard copy of Lonmin Karee RDO OB
EEEE 20.1 Email from Dirk Botes to Amanda V D Merwe at 7:15
EEEE 20.2 Email from Dirk Botes to Amanda V D Merwe at 9:33
EEEE 21.1 JJJ10.4543 showing position of Flir Camera
EEEE 21.2 Zoomed in version of EEEE21.1
EEEE 22 Statement of Maleka
EEEE 23 Spreadsheet entitled “2012 FY Progress report FY 2007
EEEE 24 Emergency incident report dated 16 August
EEEE 25 Statement of Mr Lubbe
EEEE 26 Statement of Gloria
EEEE 27 Statement of Janse Van Vuuren
EEEE 28 Medical report of Mr Mutengwane
EEEE 29 Statement of Geon Kellerman dated 13 September 2012
EEEE 30.1 P71
EEEE 30.2 P72
EEEE 30.3 P16 of evidence
EEEE 30.4 P17
EEEE 30.5 P9
EEEE 30.6 P10
EEEE 31 Extract from Lonmin COP occurrence book
EEEE 32A Shooting incident reports for Kellerman rubber stoppers
EEEE 32B Shooting incident reports (rubber rounds) Kellerman
EEEE 32C Shooting incident report P W Botha

FFFF (Graham Sinclair)
FFFF 1 Statement of Graeme Sinclair
FFFF 2 Email dated 25 August 2011 from Henry Blou to G Sinclair
FFFF 3 Memo to Sinclair from Albert Kent
FFFF 4 Memorandum dated 25 September 2012 from Jakes Kruger
FFFF 5 Emergency Procedures for Marikana (annexure to ICAM report)
FFFF 6 Memorandum from Tanya Chikanza to Frank Russo- Bello dated 10 August 2012
FFFF 7 Statement of Capt Govender
FFFF 8 Email from Russo-Bello to Sinclair dated 12 August 2014
FFFF 9 Medical report of Mr Mabuyakhulu
FFFF 10 ICAM Report annexure File 2 tab 15

GGGG (Janse Van Vuuren and Maj Lethoko)
GGGG 1 Statement of Janse Van Vuuren (CAS109/08/2012) dated 13 August 2012
GGGG 2 Statement of Janse Van Vuuren in CAS 111/08/2012 dated 13 August 2012
GGGG 3 Typed statement of Janse Van Vuuren dated 30 June 2014
GGGG 4.1 Photograph of windscreen of JVV bakkie
GGGG 4.2 Photograph
GGGG 4.3 Photograph
GGGG 4.4 Photograph
GGGG 4.5 Photograph
GGGG 4.6 Photograph
GGGG 4.7 Photograph
GGGG 4.8 Photograph
GGGG 5 Medical certificate by Dr Bouwer
GGGG 6.1 Aerial view of area
GGGG 6.2 Aerial view of K4 shaft
GGGG 6.3 Aerial view of parking area at K4 shaft
GGGG 7 (7.1 to 7.40) Bundle of K4 photographs

HHHH 1 Statement of Maj Lethoko
HHHH 2 Statement of Cedric Matthys
HHHH 3 Statement of Col Smith
HHHH 4 Statement of Brig Mahlahlela
HHHH 5 Statement of Kagiso Tlale
HHHH 6 Extract from Brig Mahlahlela cell phone records from 15 to 21 August 2012
HHHH 7.1 Directory of audio files on computer of Maj Lethoko iro NMF meeting of 15 August 2012
HHHH 7.2 Properties of audio files
HHHH 8 Table of properties of audio files
HHHH 9 Email from Brig Mahlahlela to Maj Lethoko on 21 August 2012
HHHH 10.1 Print out of file attached to HHHH9.
HHHH 10.2 Properties of file HHHH10.1
HHHH 11.1 SA police Service minutes NMF extraordinary session 15 August 2012
HHHH 11.2 Properties of HHHH11.1

JJJJ (Mr Ramaphosa)
JJJJ 1 Email from Mr Ramaphosa dated 11 August 2012
JJJJ 2 Email from Albert Jamieson dated 12 August 2012
JJJJ 3 Summary of telephone calls made to Min Mthethwa and Min Shabangu
JJJJ 4 Email from Mr Ramaphosa dated 13 August 2012
JJJJ 5 Lonmin Media Release (Press Release) dated 12 August 2012 (ALSO XX2.22)
JJJJ 6 Email from Ms Thandeka Ncube dated 13 August 2012
JJJJ 7 Letter from ENS (Edward Nathan) to G Budlender dated 31 May 2013
JJJJ 8 LRC Bundle for XX of Mr Ramaphosa

  • Social and Labour Plan: Application for conversion of Old Order Mining Right (Eastern Platinum Limited) 1 - 99
  • Lonmin (SLP Report: 2007) 100 - 104
  • Eastern Platinum Limited (SLP Report: 2008) 105 - 167
  • Eastern Platinum Limited (SLP Report: 2009) 168 - 235
  • Western Platinum Limited (SLP Report: 2009)
  • Eastern Platinum Limited (SLP Report: 2010) 236 - 279
  • Eastern Platinum Limited (SLP Report: 2011) 280 - 323
  • Mining Weekly news article: “Migrant labour’s home deprivation ‘inhumane’ – Ramaphosa, dated 11 December 2012 324
  • Mail and Guardian news article: “Lonmin unlucky in BEE love”, dated 7 December 2012 325 - 328
  • Shanduka News Release: “Shanduka responds to ‘Marikana Truth’ article”, dated 19 September 2012 329 - 330
  • Lonmin News Release: “Lonmin Plc LEM Trust Distribution of Proceeds of Incwala BBBEE Funds”, dated 15 July 2011 331 - 332
  • Miningmᵡ News article: “Shanduka seizes control of Incwala”, dated 10 May 2010 333 - 334
  • Lonmin Media Release: “Lonmin Announces The Signing Of Legally Binding Agreement For The purchase By Lonmin And Incwala Of Implats’ Empire 27.1% Holdi”, dated 6 September 2004 335 - 337
  • Shanduka Media Release: “Shanduka in the News ‘What we do now will define us as a nation”, undated 338 - 339
  • Lonmin Annual Report (2009): selected pages
  • Lonmin Annual Report (2010): selected pages
  • Lonmin Annual Report (2011): selected pages
  • Lonmin Annual Report (2012): selected pages
  • Lonmin Annual Report (2013): selected pages

JJJJ 9 Extract from Prof Anthony Butlers biography on Cyril Ramaphosa.
JJJJ 10 Extracts from minute of Lonmin PLC Board Meeting held on 25 July 2012
JJJJ 11 Video collage with audio and video interviews with Mr Ramaphosa

KKKK (Families presentations)
KKKK 1 Statement prepared by Mrs Fundi
KKKK 2 Statement regarding the death of W/O Monene
KKKK 3 Statement regarding death of W/O Sello Ronnie Lephaku
KKKK 4 4.1 Statement prepared on behalf of the late Jokanisi
KKKK 5 Presentation: The late Mr John Ledingwane
KKKK 6 Presentation: The late Mr Anele Mdizeni
KKKK 7 Presentation: The late Mr Makhosandile Mkhonjwa
KKKK 8 Presentation: The late Mr Ntandazo Nokhamba
KKKK 9 Presentation: The late Mr Mzukisi Sompeta
KKKK 10 Presentation: The late Mr Thobisile Zibambele
KKKK 11 Presentation: The late Mr Mgcineni ‘Mambush’ Noki
KKKK 12 Presentation: The late Mr Bongani Nqongophele
KKKK 13 Presentation: The late Mr Thobile Mpumza
KKKK 14 Presentation: The late Mr Thabiso Mosebetsane
KKKK 15 Presentation: The late Mr Fezile David Saphendu
KKKK 16 Presentation: The late Mr Mphumzeni Ngxande
KKKK 17 Presentation: The late Mr Thembinkosi Gwelani
KKKK 18 Presentation: The late Mr Thabiso Johannes Thelejane
KKKK 19 Presentation: The late Mr Janeveke Raphael Liau
KKKK 20 Presentation: The late Mr Molefi Osiel Ntsoele
KKKK 21 Presentation: The late Mr Khanare Elias Monesa
KKKK 22 Presentation: The late Mr Thembinkosi Gwelani
KKKK 23 Presentation: The late Mr Thembelakhe Mati
KKKK 24 Presentation: The late Mr Sitelega Meric Gadlela
KKKK 25 Presentation: The late Mr Cebisile Yawa
KKKK 26 Presentation: The late Mr Bonginkosi Yona
KKKK 27 Presentation: The late Mr Bongani Mdze
KKKK 28 Presentation: The late Mr Mphangeli Tukuza
KKKK 29 Presentation: The late Mr Mafolisi Mabiya
KKKK 30 Presentation: The late Mr Henry Mvuyisi Pato
KKKK 31 Presentation: The late Mr Mongezeleli Ntenetya
KKKK 32 Presentation: The late Mr Jackson Lehupa
KKKK 33 Presentation: The late Mr Eric Thapelo Mabebe
KKKK 34 Presentation: The late Mr Julius Langa
KKKK 35 Presentation: The late Mr Phumzile Sokhanyile
KKKK 36 Presentation: The late Mr Mabelane
KKKK 37.1 Presentation: The late Mr Isaiah Twala
KKKK 37.2 Statement: Mr Twala
KKKK 38 Presentation: The late Mr Mr Tokoti Mangcotywa
KKKK 39 Presentation: The late Mr Mr Babalo Mtshazi
KKKK 40 Presentation: The late Mr Patrick Akhona Jijase
KKKK 41 Presentation: The late Mr Nkosiyabo Xalabile
KKKK 42 Presentation: The late Mr Michael Ngweyi
KKKK 43 Presentation: The late Mr Telang Mohai
KKKK 44 Presentation: The late Mr Andries Ntsenyeho

LLLL (Major VV Govender)
LLLL 1 Email by Capt Govender dated 10-08-2012
LLLL 2 Statement of Capt Govender dated 03 September 2012
LLLL 3 Email by Capt Govender dated 11-08-2012
LLLL 4 Email by Capt Govender dated 12-08-2012
LLLL 5 Statement of Capt Govender dated 28-08-2012

MMMM (Mr Mtshamba)
MMMM 1 Series of photographs of injured and arrested persons taken shortly after 16 August.
MMMM 1.1 Photos 5942 (Ngetu Mkonseni)
MMMM 1.2 No 5957 (Setabatso Phushupi)
MMMM 1.3 No 6086 (Lebogang Mokone)
MMMM 1.4 No 6102 (Ayabonga Mthimkulu)
MMMM 1.5 No 6109 (Phumelele Molase)
MMMM 1.6 No (Nicolaz Lulu)
MMMM 2 Carte Blanche video part one and part two featuring interview with Mr Mtshamba
MMMM 3 Handwritten (manuscript) IPID statement of Mr Mtshamba dated 19 August 2012
MMMM 4 Collection of photographs with annotations MMMM4.1 to MMMM4.21
MMMM 5.0018 to MMMM5.0041 Series of photos on police EHD in photos/Thursday 16th/after shooting incident IMG0018 to IMG0041
MMMM 6.954 to 6.1023 Series of photos taken by SAPS ballistics after scene 2 on SAPS EHD in LCRC forensics original/ 201208358(3)RTB ballistics 120905
MMMM 7 Mr Mtshamba’s description of movement of group of strikers who were sitting in front between 2 koppies when barbed wire roll-out began. Annotated on JJJ10.4540 ETV 15:43:56
MMMM 8 Copy of JJJ10.4547 with Mr Mtshamba’s marking. (white arrows)

NNNN 1 Lonmin’s submission on phase 2
NNNN 2 EL researcher (Dr Forrester’s) phase 2 preliminary report dated 15 August 2014
NNNN 3 Correspondence
NNNN 4 Western Platinum SLP

PPPP (Mr Nzuza)
PPPP 1 Supplementary statement of Xolani Nzuza
PPPP 1.1 Supp IPID statement of Nzuza dated 22 August 2014
PPPP 1.2 Warning statement by Nzuza in CAS 121/08/12 dated 19 October 2012
PPPP 1.3 Charge sheet of Nzuza in CAS RE5046/12 Garankua Mag Court
PPPP 2 IPID statement by witness dated 02 November 2012
PPPP 3 Video clip of 13th August showing Mr Mambush Noki discussion with Lonmin security Lonmin EHD / Distribution/ M2U00)
PPPP 4 Aljazeera video footage of 13 August 2012 of incident near railway line.
PPPP 5 SAPS video dated 15 August (discussion between SAPS and strikers)
PPPP 6 Mr Nzuza’s note of Bishop Seoka’s details
PPPP 8.1 Video clip 5 September 2012
PPPP 8.2 Transcript of translation of PPPP8.1

QQQQ (Min Shabangu)
QQQQ 1.1 Media article “Shabangu in Brakpan while chaos persists at Lonmin” by Malcolm Rees - Moneyweb dated 14 August 2012
QQQQ 1.2 Media article “Lonmin chair to meet with SA mines minister over violence” by Monique Vanek - Mineweb dated 14 August 2012
QQQQ 1.3 Media article “Shabangu ‘concerned’ at Marikana violence, death toll at 10” Timeslive dated 15 August 2012
QQQQ 1.4 Article “Marikana events shamed all: Shabangu” iol dated 21 August 2012
QQQQ 1.5 “South Africa: Mining Industry called on to address challenges” All dated 3 September 2012
QQQQ 1.6 “Allow law to take its course on Marikana, says Shabangu” By Khulekani Magubane BDlive dated 3 September 2012
QQQQ 1.7 “Shabangu: we can’t have another Marikana” Fin24 dated 5 February 2013
QQQQ 1.8 “NUM ‘under siege’, says Shabangu in show of solidarity” by Carol Paton BDlive dated 24 May 2013
QQQQ 1.9 “Marikana is not typical of SA mining sector” by Peter fabricius dated 28 August 2013
QQQQ 1.10 Opening address by Minister Susan Shabangu at the Mining Indaba dated 4 February 2013
QQQQ 1.11 Address by Minister Susan Shabangu on the Special Parliamentary Debate following the Lonmin Marikana Tragedy 21 August 2012
QQQQ 2 Letter from Jamieson to Minister Shabangu dated 13 August 2012
QQQQ 3 Speech made by Minister Shabangu
QQQQ 4 Speech made by Minister Shabangu at Twistdraai Colliery 22 May 2012
QQQQ 5 IPID Research report “An investigation into deaths as a result of police action”

RRRR (Mr Blou)
RRRR 1.1 Witness statement of Henry Blou dated 17 October 2012
RRRR 1.2 Supplementary statement of Mntunaye Henry Blou dated 19 July 2013
RRRR 1.3 Witness statement of Henry Mntunaye Blou dated 3 July 2014
RRRR 1.4 Supplementary statement of Mntunaye Henry Blou dated 24 August 2014
RRRR 1.5 Supplementary witness statement by Mntunaye Henry Blou (undated)
RRRR 2.1 Earlier statement of Mr Graham Sinclair
RRRR 2.2 ICAM report as previously made available on Lonmin EHD
RRRR 2.3 ICAM file 1 tab 22 page 27
RRRR 2.4 ICAM File 2 Tab 5
RRRR 2.5 ICAM File 3 Tab 12 Statement A1 p1 [Meko (Lonmin crime intelligence) statement]
RRRR 2.6 ICAM File 3 Tab 14.2 pages 8 to 11
RRRR 2.7 ICAM File 1 Tab 30: Call Centre record 12 August 2012
RRRR 2.8 ICAM File 1 Tab 5: Statement of Lebo Rantho
RRRR 2.9 ICAM File 2 Tab 6 Pages 355 to 359
RRRR 2.10 Statement of C Lubbe
RRRR 2.11 Nyalas - 363, 368 to 370, 372, 374
RRRR 2.12 ICAM File 3 Tab 7: Memorandum on Riot Gear 30 October 2012
RRRR 2.13 ICAM File 1 Tab 2 Statement of Martin Vorster
RRRR 3 Telephone records of Mr Henry Blou dated 21 August 2012
RRRR 4 Security case book entry 55/08/2012
RRRR 5 Amended postmortem report (post mortem report) (PM) for Mr Mati
RRRR 6 Screen shot of W2 at 01:17

SSSS (Mr Seedat)
SSSS 1 Mr Seedat Phase 1 bundle
SSSS 2 (vol1) Mr Seedat Phase 2 bundle
SSSS 2 (vol2) Mr Seedat Phase 2 bundle
SSSS 2 (vol3) Mr Seedat Phase 2 bundle
SSSS 2 (vol4) Mr Seedat Phase 2 bundle
SSSS 2 (vol5) Mr Seedat Phase 2 bundle
SSSS 3 Cash flow statement for August 2012
SSSS 4.1 EL bundle Vol 1 Part One
SSSS 4.2 EL bundle Vol 1 Part Two
SSSS 4.3 EL bundle Vol 1 Part Three
SSSS 4.4 EL bundle Vol 1 Part Four
SSSS 4.5 EL bundle Vol 1 Part Five
SSSS 4.6 EL bundle Vol 1 Part Six
SSSS 4.7 EL bundle Vol 1 Part Seven
SSSS 4.8 EL bundle Vol 1 Part Eight
SSSS 5.1 EL bundle Vol 2 Part One
SSSS 5.2 EL bundle Vol 2 Part Two
SSSS 5.3 EL bundle Vol 2 Part Three
SSSS 5.4 EL bundle Vol 2 Part Four
SSSS 5.5 EL bundle Vol 2 Part Five
SSSS 6 Housing: containerization document
SSSS 7 LRC Bundle for XX of Mr Seedat
SSSS 8.1 SAHRC submission
SSSS 8.2 Women lived experience in Marikana film
SSSS 9 Summary of payments WestPlat Ltd Sales Commission, Management Fee and Dividend Payments
SSSS 10 Letter dated 27 February 2007 from RMB to Mr Khomo Mokhobo of Lonmin (RMB Letter)
SSSS 11 Witness statement by Simon Scott with annexures
SSSS 12 Annexure A 2007 to 2011

TTTT 1 Notes on militarization
TTTT 2 Extract of Goldstone Commission report
TTTT 3 SAPS: Use of Force Directive
TTTT 4 Segaole Written Statement dated 30 October 2012

UUUU (Mr de Rover)
UUUU 1.1 SAHRC addendum to Mr White’s response to Mr de Rover, dated 4 October 2013
UUUU 1.2 Mr de Rover’s response to SAHRC addendum
UUUU 1.3 Mr de Rover’s response to CALS interrogatories, dated 12 November 2013
UUUU 2.1 CALS interrogatories, dated 30 May 2014
UUUU 2.2 CALS letter dated 4 July 2014: Follow-up to interrogatories for Mr de Rover
UUUU 2.3 CALS letter dated 20 August 2014: Follow up interrogatories for Mr de Rover
UUUU 2.4 Evidence leaders interrogatories for Mr de Rover
UUUU 2.5 Mr de Rover’s response to evidence leaders interrogatories, dated 26 August 2014
UUUU 2.6 Mr de Rover’s response to CALS interrogatories, dated 26 August 2014
UUUU 2.7 Interrogatories directed to Mr De Rover : LRC on behalf of the Ledingwane family
UUUU 2.8 Response to interrogatories directed to Mr de Rover: LRC on behalf of the Ledingwane family
UUUU 3 To Serve and Protect, ICRC, 2nd edition, 2012. Chapter 7
UUUU 4.1 IPID statement of Mr Mziwakhe Sekroko dated 17 August 2012
UUUU 4.2 IPID statement of Mkhuseli Cakala dated 17 August 2012
UUUU 4.3 IPID statement of Edward Neo Makhathane dated 17 August 2012
UUUU 5.1 Statement of Cst Khuma, dated 23 August 2012
UUUU 5.2 Further statement of Cst Khuma, undated
UUUU 6 Statement of Mr Molatedi (IPID), dated 8 March 2014
UUUU 7 Daily Maverick article: The Murder fields of Marikana. The cold Murder fields of Marikana
UUUU 8.1 Handwritten statement of Joseph Dicks undated
UUUU 8.2 Typed statement of Joseph Dicks
UUUU 9.1 Shorter handwritten statement of Coenraad Kruger
UUUU 9.2 Longer handwritten statement of Coenraad Kruger
UUUU 10.1 Henk Van der Merwe Affidavit
UUUU 10.2 Video Annexures:

UUUU 10.3(1 – 11) Video Annexure V2, V2(a), V2(b)
UUUU 10.4 (1-3) Video Annexure V3
UUUU 10.5 Video Annexure V4
UUUU 10.6 Video Annexure V5
UUUU 10.7 Call-up list provided by Mr de Rover for walk-through conducted at Scene 2
UUUU 11 Stott, C “Crowd Psychology and Public Order Policing
UUUU 12 Presentation from Mr de Rover ()
UUUU 13 Youv Dagan Affidavit with annexures

VVVV (Mr Jamieson)
VVVV 1 Lonmin Bundle
VVVV 2 Statement dated 7 August 2014
VVVV 3 Supplementary statement by witness dated 3 September 2014

WWWW (Mr Mokwena)
WWWW 1 Phase 1 bundle of documents in chief (p1 to 427)
WWWW 2 Document prepared by Mr Mokwena titled “Lessons learnt from the tragic events of August 2012
WWWW 3 Email from Mark Munroe to Barnard Mokwena and Abey Kgotle dated 16 August 2012
WWWW 4 Table of cell phone calls between Gen Mbombo and Mr Mokwena from 14 to 16 August 2012
WWWW 5 Media release issued by Lonmin on 16 August: “Lonmin exhausts negotiating options; issues ultimatum”.
WWWW 6 Media statement by Lonmin dated 16 August “Violence at Lonmin”

XXXX Lonmin support to the families presentation

YYYY 1 Lessons learnt Marikana: A submission by SAPS to the Marikana Commission of Inquiry
YYYY 2 Marikana: Intervention by SAPS relative to Crowd Management

ZZZZ 1 Unsigned statement of Brig Van Graan (June 2013)
ZZZZ 2 Index to statements of SAPS shooters: 13 August 2012
ZZZZ 2.1 to 2.177 (Statements of SAPS members appearing on ZZZZ2)
ZZZZ 3 Index to statements of SAPS members: 16 August 2012
ZZZZ 3.1 to 3. 677 (Statements of SAPS members appearing on ZZZZ3)
ZZZZ 4 Index to statements of SAPS shooters: Additional
ZZZZ 4.1 to 4.40 (Statements of SAPS members appearing on ZZZZ4)
ZZZZ 5 Transcript of bail proceedings:
ZZZZ 6 Directory of additional photographs and videos
ZZZZ 7 Minister Mthethwa’s statement in respect of NDP
ZZZZ 8 C de Rover “Recommendations with regard to policing in SA
ZZZZ 9 Time synchronization presentation
ZZZZ 10 Evidence leaders detailed timeline
ZZZZ 11 Consolidated cell phone records
ZZZZ 12 Presentation: position of the body of the late Mr Gwelane
ZZZZ 13.1 Statement of Prof Lamla
ZZZZ 13.2 Supplementary statement of Prof Lamla
ZZZZ 14 SAPS response to SAHRC video dealing with movement analysis of scene 1
ZZZZ 15 Index of dockets: Marikana incidents
ZZZZ 15.1 to 15.31 Dockets
ZZZZ 16 Cumulative index of Lonmin statements
ZZZZ 16.1 Pages 76 - 161
ZZZZ 16.3 Pages 162 - 227
ZZZZ 16.4 Pages 228 - 293
ZZZZ 17 Ballistics reports (multiple)
ZZZZ 18 List of all public violence cases reported in Marikana area
ZZZZ 19 Translation of responses of strikers to Mr Mathunjwa’s first address at the koppie on 16 August 2012 (addresses by protestors 1 to 6 – Exh L163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169)
ZZZZ 20 Index of hospital records of injured and arrested: Andrews Saffey
ZZZZ 21 Index of hospital records of injured and arrested: Ferncrest
ZZZZ 22 Index of hospital records of injured and arrested: Milpark
ZZZZ 23 Index of hospital records of injured and arrested: Montana Hospital
ZZZZ 24 Index of hospital records of injured and arrested: Sunninghill
ZZZZ 25 Index of hospital records of injured and arrested: PeglaRae
ZZZZ 26 Index of hospital records of injured and arrested: Jacob Shimangane Hospital
ZZZZ 27 Index of hospital records of injured and arrested: Blesbok Hospital
ZZZZ 28.1-3 Annual financial statements of Marikana Housing Development Company for year ended 30 September 2005
ZZZZ 29 NMF Bundle
ZZZZ 30 SAPS response to draft NDP
ZZZZ 31.1 Recommendations De Rover
ZZZZ 31.2 Recommendations Hendrickx
ZZZZ 31.3 Recommendations White
ZZZZ 32 Botha statement dated 4 July 2012
ZZZZ 33 Dr Naidoo report in respect of Mr Jokanisi
ZZZZ 34 Dr Naidoo report in respect of Mr Sokhanyile
ZZZZ 35 Supplementary statement of Mr Kwadi
ZZZZ 36 SERI schedule of fresh v old traditional markings (from exh KKK10)
ZZZZ 37 Memorandum from Amnesty International
ZZZZ 38.1 SERI interrogatories for lonmin dated 23 October 2014
ZZZZ 38.2 Lonmin’s response to exh ZZZZ38.1
ZZZZ 39 AVL Records for Mr Motlogelwa’s vehicle on 11 August 2012
ZZZZ 40 Affidavit of B Sibiya
ZZZZ 41 Mr Gary White – re-examination statement undated
ZZZZ 42 Annexure GW6(g) to Gary White’s statement
ZZZZ 43 SAPS points of disagreement with Gary White
ZZZZ 44 CALS response to SAPS points of disagreement
ZZZZ 45 Muti report by Dr Mufamadi et al
ZZZZ 46 Reply on Lonmin houses
ZZZZ 47 Radio reports that operation is ongoing
ZZZZ 48 Postmortem analysis
ZZZZ 49 Presentation: victims of the week